It’s Tsunami Preparedness Week in Santa Barbara County

Mon Mar 25, 2024 | 01:15pm

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(SANTA BARBARA, Calif.) – The County of Santa Barbara recognizes March 24 through March 30, 2024, as Tsunami Preparedness Week locally. With approximately 110 miles of shoreline, Santa Barbara County is susceptible to the impacts of tsunamis. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), tsunamis are giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea. All coastal areas, including our local beaches, and some inland areas have the potential to become flooded if the conditions indicate a tsunami threat exists.

Community members are encouraged to take the following actions to prepare for the case of a tsunami:

  • Know the tsunami hazard zones for areas you live and/or visit.
  • If you live, visit, or work in a tsunami hazard area, be aware of the warning signs that indicate potential tsunami activity including a strong earthquake, the ocean withdrawing or rising rapidly, or a loud, roaring sound coming from the sea.
  • Identify an evacuation location that is on high ground or inland, away from the water, and accessible by foot. Evacuation sites should be accessible by walking and not dependent on a vehicle. Note: Some beach areas have tsunami evacuation route maps onsite.
  • Practice walking your evacuation routes to make evacuation quicker and easier.
  • Register for emergency alerts from local public safety officials.

Three levels of notifications exist for tsunamis. Information statements will also be routinely issued by the Tsunami Warning Centers when an earthquake has occurred but there is no threat or a very distant threat of tsunami. Be aware of the warning signs as there may not be time for public safety officials to send a notification before the effects of a tsunami are felt. Nevertheless, beachgoers should familiarize themselves with the following notifications and follow directions from public officials:

  • Tsunami Watch: A tsunami may later impact the area.
  • Tsunami Advisory: A tsunami with the potential to generate strong currents or waves is imminent, expected, or occurring.
  • Tsunami Warning: A tsunami with the potential to generate widespread inundation is imminent, expected, or occurring. Evacuations of identified tsunami inundation areas will be required

In the event of an earthquake or tsunami notification, residents and visitors should stay out of the water and away from the tsunami hazard zones until public safety officials have deemed it safe to return. The first wave may not be the last or the largest and the danger may last for hours or days.

To learn more about tsunami safety and the steps to prepare, visit

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