Tajiguas Landfill in Santa Barbara County | Credit: Lael Wageneck/S.B. County Public Works

Tajiguas Landfill, in a canyon on the Gaviota Coast that accepts trash and recyclables from Summerland to Buellton, is outgrowing its borders. A draft subsequent environmental impact report (DSEIR) seeks to increase the facility by 14.25 acres, which should extend its life by about 12 years, to 2038. The County of Santa Barbara invested $150 million to create a recycling, organics capture, and methane energy system, which could extend the lifetime of the landfill by another three years, if it reaches the contracted diversion requirements. The system has issues, however, and neighbors at the foot of Arroyo Quemada Canyon complain of eye-watering, clothing-destroying smells on almost a daily basis. Comments on the DSEIR are due on November 13.

Correction: The additional acres would add 12 years, not two, to the landfill’s current expected fill date in 2026.


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