Calle Real Campus Master Plan Begins Environmental Review Process
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(SANTA BARBARA, Calif.) – Santa Barbara County’s Calle Real Campus Master Plan, presented and approved by the County Board of Supervisors on September 13, 2022, proceeds with the Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) process as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The purpose of the Calle Real Campus Master Plan is to develop a long-range vision for the future of the campus. Spanning approximately 323 acres from Hollister Avenue, south of US 101, to an area just north of Cathedral Oaks, the Campus has approximately 782,000 gross square feet of County facilities existing. Many buildings are underutilized and past useful site life. There are also eight different non-County entities located on campus. Goals of the Master Plan include, eliminate buildings beyond their useful lives, recognize departmental synergies to streamline services, maximize current vacant space and identify workforce and affordable housing opportunities to help meet the state mandate.
The purpose of the coming public scoping meeting set for Wednesday, November 8, 2023, is to initiate the CEQA environmental process.
The County, as lead agency, has partnered with UltraSystems Environmental, an environmental consultant, to navigate this process. In accordance with CEQA requirements, an Initial Study (IS) and Notice of Preparation (NOP) are prepared for distribution and review by the public, affiliated stakeholders, trustee agencies and other required governmental agencies.
The Initial Study analyzes the proposed Calle Real Master Plan to determine any potentially significant impacts on the environment that would result from the construction and implementation of the proposed projects within the Plan.
The Notice of Preparation is required to inform the public and essential governmental agencies that an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared.
A public hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. to tell the public about the project and accept comments from the general public and interested parties. The public hearing meeting will be available in-person or virtual via Microsoft Teams. Spanish translation will also be available.
In-person meeting location: The County’s Employee University on the Calle Real Campus. It is located at 267 Camino Del Remedio, Santa Barbara, 93110. (Room capacity 40 people)
Virtual Meeting Registration Link (registration required to join the meeting virtually):,aJmwN_VdbEC1QugzckfITw,q9g6Hjcx70OWZ23T1AVhEw,nqrPJ4imXUi15t2c1hlOlQ,rLy1n_nZlEqoo9hM9GsJGg,c37-SjjAnkmLm4276EFWRg?mode=read&tenantId=e64b3773-9890-4a2f-87cd-23725df35ace&webinarRing=gcc
Public comment will begin on October 23, 2023 and remain active for 30-days following the public hearing, or December 8, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Public comments shall be accepted via email, mail or hand delivered to the Clerk of the Board by following the information below:
Email: with the subject line, “Public Comment: Calle Real Campus Master Plan Program EIR – Submitted XX/XX/2023”. A response stating, “received”, will be issued.
Mail:Ashton Ellis, Senior Project Manager County of Santa Barbara
1105 Santa Barbara Street
Courthouse East Wing, 2nd Floor
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Hand Delivered to the Clerk of the Board, 105 E. Anapamu 4th Floor, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. The clerk shall time stamp the comment and provide a copy back to the filer. The comments shall be legible or typed.
The Initial Study, Notice of Preparation, public hearing meeting information and other documents associated with the Calle Real Master Plan Program Environmental Impact Report process can be found on the Santa Barbara County Website at the following address:
A hard copy of the Initial Study is available for review at the County’s Clerk of the Board Office located at 105 E. Anapamu, 4th Floor, Santa Barbara, CA 93101.
This is the first opportunity for public input during the Program EIR Process. An additional opportunity for public comment will be available once the DRAFT PEIR is prepared.