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With the potential for a Southern California Edison Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) in the southern portion of Santa Barbara County this week, we want to remind Santa Barbara County residents and businesses about Air Pollution Control District (APCD) requirements related to backup diesel generators. Diesel generators require an APCD permit (as mandated by the State) due to the fact that diesel exhaust contains toxic air contaminants and has been linked to cancer and other adverse health effects.
If you’re looking to purchase a diesel generator that’s bigger than you could reasonably carry (50 bhp or greater), an APCD permit may be required before you install and operate the generator. Therefore, before you purchase or rent a generator, please contact us at so we can help you navigate our requirements. Please also see these resources for more information about our requirements:
- General information about PSPS events and emergency generators:
- Operating PERP-Registered Engines at Stationary Sources:
Backup diesel generators aren’t for everyone and alternatives exist. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has identified backup power options that minimize community-level air pollutant emissions exposure. For more information, see CARB’s website: