Michelangelo’s Frescoes Come to Santa Barbara!
Skillfully Crafted Reproductions Change Way Sistine Chapel Art Is Viewed
Regardless of whether you have been one of the six million people to visit Vatican City’s Sistine Chapel annually, a unique chance to observe Michelangelo’s brilliant ceiling frescoes from a different perspective — both figuratively and literally — has arrived in Santa Barbara.
Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition displays 34 intricate reproductions of Michelangelo’s frescoes that can be viewed, up close and personal, at Santa Barbara’s Old Mission through September 4. Rather than acting as a replacement for the original artwork within the Sistine Chapel, this exhibit allows for an expanded view — those who have never been to Rome gain an opportunity to witness skillfully crafted reproductions of historical masterpieces, whereas those who are familiar with the artwork gain an intimate perspective and ability to see details that might not be visible on the chapel’s ceiling.
Donna Reeves, director of development and communications at Santa Barbara’s Old Mission, notes, “Those who visit are usually struck by the size of the figures. When you see something printed like this, life-size, and get to see it up close, it’s a completely different experience than if you’ve seen a photo in a book or on screen on your phone.” The life-size figures that Reeves describes have been reproduced through the use of high-definition photos that retain the integrity of the vibrant color palette found in the original artwork — a process that has been in constant evolution for the Los Angeles–based SEE Global Entertainment, producers of the exhibition.
The exhibition was inspired by, as Reeves states, when “Martin Biallas, CEO at SEE Global Entertainment, went to the Sistine Chapel as a tourist and had a less-than-ideal experience. He experienced being rushed through the Chapel, being shoulder-to-shoulder with people, having guards yelling and shouting the whole time…. He didn’t have a good guide to tell him what it was that he was seeing either. So, he just felt that there had to be a better way to experience the art in a modern exhibition style.” Thus, out of viewing discomfort came an idea for a new perspective, and from this idea came the distinctive exhibit on display today.
While the exhibit certainly takes center stage, the backdrop of the Old Mission provides a wonderful setting to house the artwork, with Biallas referring to the exhibition as a sort of sanctuary when compared to the possibly hectic viewing environment at the Sistine Chapel.
Father Joe Schwab, president of Old Mission Santa Barbara, states, “Being able to come inside of an architectural landmark like the Santa Barbara Mission provides the visitor with an exceptional perspective that will seldom be offered. It’s especially unique considering the exhibit will be held in areas of the Mission that are not [otherwise] open to the public.”
Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition is open daily from 9:30 a.m.– 4 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at chapelsistine.com/exhibits/santa-barbara.
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