The Last Laugh
Two and a half years ago, we moved to a condominium at the corner of Chapala and Gutierrez. About a year after that, work began right below us on a flood control project to clear out Mission Creek south of Gutierrez, build a new “canal” under the 101, and install large grates in front of the new waterway. It was a significant construction project and took six months.
Our neighbors and we laughed at the folly of spending this much time and money on a flood control project in a city where it almost never rains. Until this week, that is. When the deluge came on January 8-9, the newly enlarged Mission Creek was filled to nearly overflowing, but never did. The additional canal the engineers had skillfully constructed helped take some of the load off the original creek under the 101. And the grates caught all manner of tree limbs, trunks, and other debris that would have blocked the flow of water under the 101 and caused much heavier flooding downtown.
Kudos to those in the city, county, and state who designed and built a project that worked exactly as it should have. Nicely done!