’Tis the Season 2022
Santa Barbara’s Complete Guide to Holiday Happenings
By Terry Ortega | Photos by Fritz Olenberger | December 1, 2022

Lighting Ceremonies and Nativities
Holiday Health & Wellness
Parades and Lights
Holiday Fun for Children
Holiday Fun for Everyone
Arts, Dance, Theater, Concerts
Age 21+ Holiday Fun
New Year’s Eve
Every year, I look forward to curating the Indy’s ’Tis the Season Guide. We’ve gathered all the events of the season in one place, so you can peruse the guide and make plans or close your eyes and point to events that include parades in S.B., on Milpas, in Carpinteria, and on the waterfront; holiday workshops; events that are kid-friendly; events for those ages 21+; music and performances; shopping; lighting ceremonies and nativities; where to find Santa; and New Year’s Eve parties. We have also included a listing to assist those who have difficulty during this time, as our wish at the S.B. Independent is for our communities from Ojai to Lompoc (and everywhere else) to be safe and to create magical moments and memories with family and friends.
Christmas Trees

Anthony’s Christmas Trees Get just the right Christmas tree Thu., Dec. 1-Sat., Dec. 24. Mon.-Thu.: 9am-8pm; Fri.-Sat.: 9am-9pm; Sun.: 10am-7pm. Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real. Free. Call (805) 966-6668 or email elves@anthonyschristmastrees.com. anthonyschristmastrees.com
Lane Farms Christmas Patch See farm animals and tractors and check out the corn maze while getting your fresh noble, Nordmann, or Douglas fir. December 1-20. Daily, 10am-8pm. Lane Farms, 308 S. Walnut Lane. Free. Call (805) 964-3773. lanefarmssb.com/chrismas-patch
Big Wave Dave’s Christmas Tree Lot Beautiful trees will be available through December 23. Daily, 10am-9pm. La Cumbre Plaza, Macy’s parking lot, 3865 State St. Free. Call (805) 218-0282. bigwavedaveschristmastrees.com
Trinity Lutheran Christmas Tree Lot Pick out the perfect fresh Christmas tree with proceeds to benefit Trinity Gardens. The lot will be open until all trees are sold. Sat.-Sun: 9am-7pm; Mon.-Fri.: 4-7pm. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 909 N. La Cumbre Rd. Free. Call (805) 687-1577 or email office@telcsb.org. tinyurl.com/TrinityTrees
Lighting Ceremonies and Nativities
Rock the Block: Winter Wonderland Block Party & Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony Enjoy live entertainment, holiday festivities and photos with Santa, and watch the Holiday Prince and Fairy light the tree. Fri., Dec. 2, 5-8pm. In front of the Arlington Theatre, 1317 State St. Free. downtownsb.org/events/holiday-events

Solvang Julefest Tree Lighting Ceremony Help kick off this holiday season with Solvang’s annual tree lighting, music, caroling, and the arrival of Santa! Fri., Dec. 2, 5-6:30pm. Solvang Park, 1630 Mission Dr., Solvang (First St. and Mission Dr.). Free. solvangusa.com/events
Una Noche de las Posadas (The Inns) Take part in this time-honored reenactment of Joseph and Mary’s search for shelter in Bethlehem as it is observed throughout Latin America. Begin at the Presidio Chapel and continue to Casa de la Guerra for holiday songs sung in Spanish with traditional Las Posadas food provided by Rudy’s. A Mujeres Makers Market will have an evening market before the reenactment at 5-7pm. Fri., Dec. 9, 7-10pm. El Presidio de Santa Bárbara State Historic Park, 123 E. Canon Perdido St. Free. Call (805) 965-0093. sbthp.org/lasposadas
39th Annual Solvang Nativity Spectacular This pageant, also known as the “Christmas Story,” will come to life with actors and live music. Bring chairs and blankets. Sat., Dec. 10, 5 and 7pm. 420 2nd St., Solvang. Free. tinyurl.com/SolvangNativity2022
31st Annual Living Nativity The community is invited to see the silent re-creation of the Holy Night with actors in costume along with live animals, such as camels, donkeys, sheep, and goats, that will surround the manger. Tue.-Thu., Dec. 20-22, 5:30-7:30pm. First United Methodist Church, 305 E. Anapamu St. Free. Call (805) 963-3579. tinyurl.com/2022LivingNativity
All Holy Night Candle-Lighting Extravaganza Come for a night of music from the Unity Singers and the lighting of the candles. Wed., Dec. 21, 7-9pm. Unity of S.B., 227 E. Arrellaga St. Free. Call (805) 966-2239. unitysb.org/events/upcoming-events
Holiday Health & Wellness
C.A.R.E.4Paws ‘Howliday’ Donation Drive-Thru Help keep area pets in need healthy and in their homes by dropping off pet food or donating monetary gifts at the drive-thru. Donations will go toward the Pet Assistance program and Mobile Pet Clinic Wellness Services. Sat., Dec. 3, 11am-2pm. Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real. Free. Call (805) 968-2273 or email info@care4paws.org. care4paws.org/drive

County of S.B. Behavioral Wellness The holiday season can be a time of joy for many, but it can be especially challenging for those impacted by mental illness. If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available at the Behavioral Wellness 24/7 Access Line at (888) 868-1649. Also, call or text 988 or chat at 988lifeline.org for counselors who can help with crises related to suicide, mental health, and substance use. countyofsb.org/274/Behavioral-Wellness
City of Lompoc LED Christmas Light Exchange Program Exchange your old incandescent Christmas lights for new energy-saving LED lights and enter a raffle for a chance to win a variety of LED Christmas yard decorations and more. Bring a current City of Lompoc utility bill, a photo ID, and your old holiday lights. First come, first served. 9am-5pm. Thu., Dec. 1 through Fri., Jan. 27, 2023. Lompoc City Hall, 100 Civic Center Pl. Free. Call (805) 875-8252. English: tinyurl.com/LightExchange2022; Español: tinyurl.com/IntercambioDeLuzes
39th Annual Light Up a Life Join this heartwarming ceremony of light, love, remembrance, and unity to honor the many who are missed this holiday season. The Trees of Remembrance with stars available for purchase 30 minutes before each program will be at the following locations: Sun., Dec. 4, 5:30pm, Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St.; Wed., Dec. 7, 4pm. Upper Village Green, corner of San Ysidro and E. Valley Rd., Montecito; Sat., Dec. 10, 5pm, Seal Fountain, Linden Ave., Carpinteria; Sun., Dec. 11, 5pm. Camino Real Marketplace, 7004 Market Place Dr., Goleta. Free. hospiceofsb.org/lual
Blue Christmas Service This contemplative service of prayer, ritual, meditation, and music will be offered to provide a healing space for those who experience the Christmas season as a difficult one due to loss, grief, or loneliness, and for those who love and support them. Tue., Dec. 13, 6-7pm. Trinity Episcopal Church, 1500 State St. Free. Call (805) 965-7419. trinitysb.org/upcomingevents
Parades and Lights

ZooLights The Zoo will transform into an immersive magical world of lights, featuring handcrafted silk-covered lanterns lit with more than 50,000 LED bulbs that will showcase the African plains, the Outback, butterflies, and more through January 15, 2023! Reservations are required. Dec. 1-4, 7-11, 14, 16-18, 20-23, 27-30. 4:30-8:30pm. S.B. Zoo, 500 Niños Dr. Free-$19.95. Non-peak: free-$22; peak: free-$32. Call (805) 962-5339 or email zooinfo@sbzoo.org. sbzoo.org/zoolights/
Santa Ynez Valley Botanic Enchanted Garden Holiday Lights Festival Immerse yourself in a light experience that will feature installments such as a meadow of lights, LED animal figures, and a rainbow display. Live reindeer will be on-site Dec. 11 and 18. Experience carolers, falling snow, and photos with Santa. Dec. 2, 9-11, 16-18. 5:30-8:30pm. Santa Ynez Valley Botanic Garden at River View Park, 151 Sycamore Dr., Buellton. Free-$25. tinyurl.com/HolidayLightsSYV

City of Lompoc Valley Children’s Christmas Season Parade Watch the parade and then join for the community tree lighting, hot cocoa, and cookies after the parade at Centennial Square (119 E. Cypress Ave., Lompoc). Fri., Dec. 2, 6-7:30pm. Corner of H St. and Pine Ave., Lompoc. Free. Call (805) 875-8100. cityoflompoc.com
Goleta Holiday Parade 2022 This parade will feature local schools, nonprofits, youth sport teams, friends, families, wonderful organizations, and Santa. Sat., Dec. 3, 6pm. Hollister Ave. from Orange to Kinman. Free. goletaholidayparade.org/info
Solvang Julefest Parade Put more hygge (a mood of coziness) into your holiday season and join the fun to watch parade participants as they make their way down Alisal Road, Copenhagen Road, and adjacent streets. Sat., Dec. 3, 11am-noon. Free. tinyurl.com/SolvangParade
Solvang Candlelight Tours Take part in an evening candlelight walking tour and experience the sights, sounds, and even some tastes of Christmas in Solvang. Dec. 3, 9, 16-17, 23, 5-6:30pm. 1637-1639 Copenhagen Dr., Solvang. $36. solvangjulefest.org
Milpas Holiday Parade Everyone is invited to this annual Eastside tradition. This year’s parade, with the theme Surfin’ Santa, will feature marching bands, floats, dignitaries, dancers, and Santa Claus! Sat., Dec. 10, 5:30-7:30pm. On Milpas Street starting on De la Guerra St. and ending on Mason St. Free. Email events@sbeastside.org. sbeastside.org/holiday-parade
36th Annual Parade of Lights and Winter Wonderland Go to a winter wonderland on the pier with 10 tons of snow, elves, holiday music, and an appearance from Santa, followed by a human-powered water parade, tree lighting, the Parade of Lights with the theme of “Deck the Hulls,” and a brief fireworks show. Sun., Dec. 11. Winter wonderland: starting at 3pm; water parade: 4pm; tree-lighting: 5pm; Parade of Lights: 5:30pm. S.B. Harbor, Stearns Wharf, and West Beach (off Cabrillo Blvd.). Free. Call (805) 618-8642. santabarbaraca.gov/paradeoflights
Christmas Lights & Sights Take a tour with music and hot chocolate to see the Christmas lights in Santa Ynez. Wed., Dec. 14, 6 and 7:30pm. Veterans Memorial Hall, 1745 Mission Dr., Solvang. $15. tinyurl.com/Lights-Sights
Holiday Fun for Children
Nightly Snowfall: Walk Through a Winter Wonderland Play in the nightly snow, which is actually made from vegetables and is gluten-free, nontoxic, and non-damaging. Each snowfall lasts 10 minutes. Daily, Dec. 1-31 (closed Dec. 25), 5:30 and 6:30pm. Center Court, Paseo Nuevo, 651 Paseo Nuevo. Free. paseonuevoshopping.com/events/nightly-snowfall/
Photos with Santa at Paseo Nuevo Take a photo with Santa next to the jolly ole Christmas tree! No appointments are necessary: first come, first served. Photo packages are available for purchase. Visit the website for daily hours. December 1-24. Center Court, Paseo Nuevo, 651 Paseo Nuevo. Free. paseonuevoshopping.com/events/photos-with-santa/

Photos with Santa at La Cumbre Plaza Make a reservation to take your photo with Santa in a winter wonderland! Photo packages are available for purchase. Visit the website for hours. Daily, Dec. 1-24. La Cumbre Plaza (next to Studio X Sculpt Pilates) 121 S. Hope Ave. Free. shoplacumbre.com/SantaPhotos
Breakfast with Santa Join Santa and his helpers for a pancake breakfast. Pre-registration is required. Sat., Dec. 3, 8:30 and 10:30am. Dick DeWees Community & Senior Center, 1120 W. Ocean Ave., Lompoc. Free-$12. Call (805) 875-8100. cityoflompoc.com
Winter Gift-Making Workshop Children ages 5-12 will gain inspiration from works of art in the Museum’s collection to draw, paint, print, collage, and sculpt artful gifts to share with friends and family. Sat., Dec. 10, 9am-3pm. S.B. Museum of Art, 1130 State St. Member: $120; non-member: $150. Call (805) 884-6457 or email communityprograms@sbma.net. tickets.sbma.net/event-list/workshops/
Eat, Dance, and Be Merry Open House The Dance Network’s eighth annual open house is open to all ages, dancers, families, and friends. There will be food, dance demos, mini performances, and a raffle with proceeds going toward the Dance Network’s scholarship program. Sat., Dec. 10, 2:30-5:30pm. The Dance Network, 5130 Hollister Ave. Free. thedancenetworksb.com/important-dates
Lompoc Parks & Rec Home Visits from Santa Lompoc residents can have Santa Claus visit their homes for 20 minutes this holiday season. Visits are every half hour between 6:30 and 8pm, Fri.-Mon., Dec. 16-19. $40-$48 (more than four children requires additional time slots). Call (805) 875-8100. tinyurl.com/LompocSantaVisits
Lompoc Winter Wonder Camp Kids in kindergarten through 6th grade can participate in crafts, arts, movies, sports, and have a snack. Mon.: Dec. 19-Thu., Dec. 22 and Tue., Dec. 27-Fri., Dec. 30, 12:30-5:30pm. Anderson Recreation Center, 125 W. Walnut Ave., Lompoc. $40/child per session. Call (805) 875-8100. tinyurl.com/LompocWinterWonder
Rancho Palomino Winter Break Children can have fun on the farm and ride horses, learn archery, participate in gift creation, and take photos with holiday ponies. Bring lunch. Snacks and water provided. Contact for age requirements. Mon., Dec. 19-Fri., Dec. 23. Rancho Palomino, private family farm. $200. Call (805) 570-5075 or email ranchopalominosb@gmail.com. ranchopalominosb.com
Holiday Fun for Everyone
Silent Night, Silent Disco Wear your ugliest sweater and be prepared to dance and sing along to deejays mixing your favorite holiday tunes through complimentary headphones. There will also be snowfall at 5:30 and 6:30pm. Thu., Dec. 1, 5:30-7:30pm. Center Court, Paseo Nuevo, 651 Paseo Nuevo. Free. paseonuevoshopping.com/holiday
A Cowboy Christmas The horse stable has been transformed into the North Pole with games, activities, music, the North Pole Café, Santa’s Speakeasy, Christmas-themed horse and pony encounters, and a visit from Santa! Visit the website to reserve your time slot. Dec. 2-4, 9-11, 16-23. River View Park, 151 Sycamore Dr., Buellton. GA: free-$20; VIP: $49. Email bob@syvhorsebackrides.com. syvcowboychristmas.com
Unity Singers Cantata Join this joyful “Appalachian Christmas” cantata. Fri., Dec. 2, 7-9pm. Unity of S.B., 227 E. Arrellaga St. Free. Call (805) 966-2239. tinyurl.com/UnitySingersCantata

Blue Christmas with Elvis Raymond Michael will personify Elvis and perform Elvis’s favorite songs including holiday songs. Sat., Dec. 3, 7-9pm. TheAlcazar Theatre, 4916 Carpinteria Ave., Carpinteria. GA: $25; VIP: $35. Call (805) 684-6380. thealcazar.org/calendar
Los Olivos Olde-Fashioned Christmas Take in open houses, food booths, a Gingerbread Wonderland, carolers, the Santa Ynez Jazz Band, and a 6pm tree-lighting. Visit the website for a town map. Sat., Dec. 3, 2-7pm. Downtown Los Olivos. Free. losolivosca.com/olde-fashioned-christmas
Rockstar Tour of Lights Climb aboard the trolley for a 90-minute tour of all the amazing Christmas lights and decorations in S.B. Tours are available for private charters only. Daily, Dec. 3-24, 5:30, 7:30, and 9:15pm. 20-32 passenger tours: $700-$800/trolley. tinyurl.com/RockstarTrolley
Buellton Winter Fest Your ticket includes breakfast with Santa (two sittings at 9 and 10:30 am, reservations required), a photo with Santa, and a gift bag with Christmas crafts followed by a trip to Holiday Village with 20 tons of snow, vendors, music, live performances, wine, beer, and a tree-lighting at 7pm. Sun., Dec. 4., Buellton Rec Ctr., 301 2nd St., Buellton; and Village Park (behind Tractor Supply), 330 Valley Vineyard Cir., Buellton. Free-$15. Call (805) 688-7829. christmas.buellton.org
Santa Paws: Pet Night with Santa! Get your four-legged family member’s photo taken with Santa. Please come prepared to clean up after your pet. Reservations are recommended. Mon., Dec. 5, 4-7pm. La Cumbre Plaza (next to Studio X Sculpt Pilates), 121 S. Hope Ave. Free. Call (805) 687-6458. shoplacumbre.com/SantaPhotos
Ornament Exchange Bring a wrapped ornament valued at no more than $10 to the Guild Hall, along with an appetizer, snack, dessert, or beverage to share. RSVP at office@trinitysb.org. Tue., Dec. 6, 6-9pm. Trinity Episcopal Church, 1500 State St. Free. Call (805) 965-7419. trinitysb.org/upcomingevents

Music Academy of the West Auxiliary Meeting & Holiday Party Celebrate the holiday season with the Academy. Thu., Dec. 8, 4pm. Music Academy of the West, 1070 Fairway Rd. Members: free; guests: $35. Call (805) 969-8787. musicacademy.org/big-shows/aux-holiday-party
Christmas in the Country Enjoy festive scenes and dancing lights from your own car in the traditional “Single Car Entry” where you pay per carload of people. Or you can take a wagon ride through the winter wonderland as part of the “VIP Christmas Experience,” which is a cost per person. Car: Dec. 9-10, 15-17, 22-24; VIP: Dec. 9-10, 16-17, 23-24. 6pm. Santa Maria Elks Unocal Event Ctr., 4040 S. Hwy. 101, Santa Maria. $55/car; $70/VIP per person. Call (805) 925-4125. elksrec.com/p/events/christmas-in-the-country
Westerlay Orchids Christmas Open House Have some seasonal bites and beverages, enjoy a family-friendly raffle with prizes, and take a photo with Santa. Fri., Dec. 9, 4-7pm. Westerlay Orchids, 3504 Via Real, Carpinteria. Free. tinyurl.com/WesterlayOrchids
Dickens Christmas Dinner in Los Alamos Take in a traditional Christmas dinner with roast beef, Yorkshire and plum puddings, English trifle, and mulled wine from Chef Jesper Johansson and winemaker Stephan Bedford. Readings of Charles’ Dickens’s classics by visiting guest actors will take you back in time. Fri., Dec. 9, 5:30pm. Plenty on Bell, 508 Bell St., Los Alamos. $85. Call (323) 804-0928 or email plentyonbell@gmail.com. plentyonbell.com
Rancho La Patera & Stow House: Holiday at the Ranch Enjoy music, tractor rides, face painting, ornament making, vendors, and a food and coffee truck. Sat., Dec. 10, 9am-4pm. Rancho La Patera & Stow House, 304 N. Los Carneros Rd., Goleta. Free-$10. Call (805) 681-7216. goletahistory.org/holiday-at-the-ranch
Christmas Cookie Walk Purchase a gift box and fill it with tasty treats created by dozens of bakers. Boxes are weighed and paid for with each dollar going to church programs and services. Sun., Dec. 11, 9am-1pm. Trinity Episcopal Church, 1500 State St. Call (805) 965-7419. trinitysb.org/upcomingevents
Holiday Ice Skating Show This holiday show on ice will get you in the spirit of the season. Sat., Dec. 17, 12:30 and 3:30pm. Ice in Paradise, 6985 Santa Felicia Dr., Goleta. Upstairs: $20; on the ice: $30. Call (805) 879-1550 or email breanne@iceinparadise.org. iceinparadise.org
Family Chanukah Party Join for candle-lighting, games, crafts, and great food including latkes and jelly doughnuts (sufganiyot)! Please RSVP. Mon., Dec. 19, 4-6pm. Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara, 524 Chapala St. Free. Call (805) 957-1115 or email rvargeson@sbjf.org. tinyurl.com/PartyChanukah
Arts, Dance, Theater, Concerts

Santa Barbara Festival Ballet | Credit: Fritz Olenberger
Ensemble Theatre Company Presents A Christmas Carol Patrick Barlow, writer of the Broadway and West End hit The 39 Steps, has refashioned Charles Dickens’s holiday classic into an inventively comic holiday delight filled with humor and heart. Thu., Dec. 1-Sun., Dec.18, various times. The New Vic, 33 W. Victoria St. $40-$84. Call (805) 965-5400 or email boxoffice@etcsb.org. etcsb.org/whats-on/season
7th Annual Holiday All-Member Exhibit and Mata Ortiz Pottery Market All 28 juried members are on display with contemporary work of many genres from abstract to realism and figurative to urban landscape in a variety of media. Also on view will be artistic pottery from Mata Ortiz, from Chihuahua, Mexico. The exhibit shows through January 16, 2023. Thu.-Sat., Mon., Wed.: 11am-5pm; Sun.: noon-5pm. 10 West Gallery, 10 W. Anapamu St. Free. Call (805) 770-7711. 10westgallery.com
Jazz at the Ballroom Presents Holiday ‘In’ Musicians from across the country will take turns on stage for a swinging holiday revue, hosted by comedian Dan Cronin and with bandleader Konrad Paszkduzki on piano. Fri., Dec. 2, 7pm. Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St. GA: $36-$56; VIP: $81. Call (805) 963-0761. lobero.org/events
UCSB Gospel Choir Enjoy traditional and contemporary songs drawn from African-American religious traditions directed by Victor Bell. Fri., Dec. 2, 7:30pm. Lotte Lehmann Concert Hall, UCSB. Free-$10. tinyurl.com/GospelUCSB

Goleta School of Ballet Presents The Nutcracker This traditional full-length holiday classic follows Clara’s adventures in the Land of Snow with the Nutcracker Prince. Sat.-Sun., Dec. 3-4, 3-4:45pm. The Marjorie Luke Theatre, 721 E. Cota St. $15-$20. Call (805) 884-4087. luketheatre.org/events
State Street Ballet Academy Presents Rudolph Dancers ages 3 and up, including the State Street Ballet Young Dancers, will dance the tale of the misfit reindeer who learns that there’s a place for everyone. Student singers from the Cold Spring School Chorus, accompanied by Jay Real and led by Sara DiSalvo, will perform. Sat., Dec. 3, 2 and 6pm. Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St. $19-$31. Call (805) 563-3262 x1. lobero.org/events/rudolph-2021
Silo118 Presents A Holiday Exhibit: Madonna and Bunny and Friends by Larry Vigon This exhibit will show original paintings, linocuts, glitter prints, and ink-drops-on-water creations by Silo118 artist Larry Vigon with gift books and affordable art items for sale. There will be an artist reception on Saturday, December 3, 5-7pm. The exhibit shows through January 14, 2023. Thu.-Sat., noon-5pm. Silo118, 118 Gray Ave. Free. Call (301) 379-4669 or email bonnie@silo118.com. silo118.com
Gallery Los Olivos Winter Salon The salon-style hanging of art will offer the audience a variety of subjects, all fine art mediums, framed and gallery-wrapped, hung from the floor to the ceiling. The exhibit will show through January 31, 2023. Thu.-Mon., 10am-4pm. Gallery Los Olivos, 2920 Grand Ave., Los Olivos. Call (805) 688-7517. gallerylosolivos.com
UCSB Arts & Lectures Presents Jake Shimabukuro’s Christmas in Hawai’i Drawing on his signature favorites, a vibrant catalog of holiday classics, and selections from his recent Jake & Friends album, Jake Shimabukuro, the jolly ambassador of aloha, will bring joy to S.B. Thu., Dec. 1, 7-10pm. The Granada Theatre, 1214 State St. Students: $16; GA: $31-$61. Call (805) 893-3535 or email info@artsandlectures.ucsb.edu. artsandlectures.ucsb.edu/events
The Sound of Christmas Sing-Along This fun-filled sing-along with an orchestra and a choir will sing favorites such as “Jingle Bells,” “Deck the Halls,” “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” “White Christmas,” and more. Sun., Dec. 4, 2:30pm. Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St. Children and 12 and under: $5; GA: $36-$66. Call (805) 963-0761. lobero.org/whats-on
The 18th Annual Westmont Christmas Festival: Prince of Peace The Westmont Orchestra, College Choir, Chamber Singers, and Choral Union will perform unforgettable numbers from around the world to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Sat., Dec. 3, 7pm; Sun., Dec. 4, 3pm. The Granada Theatre, 1214 State St. $22. Call (805) 899-2222. westmont.edu/festival

Lompoc Pops Orchestra: Home for the Holidays Christmas Concert The 60-piece professional Lompoc Pops Orchestra with Maestro Brian Alhadeff will play all your favorites with special guests Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus, and the mischievous Grinch who will look for kids in the audience during “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.” Sun., Dec. 4, 7pm. First United Methodist Church, 925 N. F St., Lompoc. Free-$25. Call (805) 733-1976. tinyurl.com/LompocPops
UCSB Arts & Lectures Presents Mariachi Sol de México: José Hernández’s Merry-achi Christmas Led by José Hernández, Mariachi Sol de México will offer a festive musical tribute to Mexico’s Christmas traditions with elements of Las Posadas alongside traditional Christmas carols. Wed., Dec. 7, 7pm. The Arlington Theatre, 1317 State St. Students: $11; GA: $29.50-$69.50. Call (805) 893-3535 or email info@artsandlectures.ucsb.edu. artsandlectures.ucsb.edu/events
Candlelight Concert Series Dress warmly to enjoy live entertainment on the front steps of the Museum. Seating will be provided. 5-7pm. Wed., Dec. 7 and 14. S.B. Museum of Art, 1130 State St. Free. downtownsb.org/events/downtownlive
S.B. Choral Society Presents The Hallelujah Project 8 Listen to beloved carols, a visit from Santa, a reading of ’Twas the Night Before Christmas, and the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah headline an audience-friendly program that includes a guest appearance of children from The Music Academy’s SING! program. Sat., Dec. 10, 7pm; Sun., Dec. 11, 3pm. Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St. GA: $10-$30; VIP: $50. Call (805) 963.0761. lobero.org/events

Westside Dance Presents The Nutcracker Sweet This annual holiday show will offer a shorter, sweeter version of the holiday classic in a 45-minute ballet that will be perfect for all ages! Sat.-Sun., Dec. 10-11, 4-4:45pm. The Marjorie Luke Theatre, 721 E. Cota St. $15-$20. Call (805) 884-4087. luketheatre.org/events
S.B. Festival Ballet Presents Nutcracker at the Arlington S.B.’s treasured holiday tradition is back for its 47th year. This enchanting production will feature guest artists and a gifted ensemble of students from UCSB and SBFB with Elise Unruh to conduct the live orchestra. Sat., Dec. 10, 2:30 and 7pm; Sun., Dec. 11, 2:30pm. The Arlington Theatre, 1317 State St. $30-$58. santabarbarafestivalballet.com
40th Annual Messiah Sing-Along Everyone is invited to be part of the chorus. Phillip McLendon will conduct this performance of George Frideric Handel’s choral masterpiece Messiah in a benefit for Unity Shoppe. Tue., Dec. 13, 7:30-9pm. First Presbyterian Church, 21 E. Constance Ave. $10. tinyurl.com/40thMessiah
Emmet Cahill: Christmas in Ireland Acclaimed Irish tenor Emmet Cahill will perform powerful renditions of majestic church hymns, Broadway hits, opera arias, adored Irish classics, and more. Fri., Dec. 16, 7:30pm. Trinity Episcopal Church, 1500 State St. Meet & Greet: 6:15pm, $55; GA: $35. emmetcahill.com/tour-1/santa-barbara
Goleta School of Ballet Presents The Nutcracker Tutu Suite Goleta School of Ballet presents this very special Nutcracker performance with their youngest dancers. Don’t miss this show that is a delight for all ages. Sat., Dec. 17, 1:30-2:45pm. The Marjorie Luke Theatre, 721 E. Cota St. $12 (available at the door). Call (805) 884-4087. luketheatre.org/events
State Street Ballet Presents The Nutcracker This annual holiday favorite about Clara and her Nutcracker Prince will feature the Opera San Luis Obispo Grand Orchestra and the talented students of State Street Ballet Academy alongside professional dancers. With opulent sets and costumes, this will be a holiday feast for the eyes. Sat., Dec. 17, 2 and 7:30pm; Sun., Dec. 18, 2pm. The Granada Theatre, 1214 State St. $38-$121. Call (805) 899-2222. ticketing.granadasb.org
S.B. Revels Presents The Christmas Revels: A Scottish Celebration of the Winter Solstice Treasured traditions will be revisited by a diverse company of actors, singers, and dancers with colorful costumes, dancing, music, and bagpipes. Sat., Dec. 17, 2:30 and 7:30pm; Sun., Dec. 18, 2:30pm. Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St. GA: $16-$56; VIP: $51-$81. Call (805) 963.0761. lobero.org/events/christmas-revels
Folk Orchestra of Santa Barbara Hear seasonal favorites and songs from around the world and more. Instrumental solos will also warm your heart. Sat., Dec. 17-Sun., Dec. 18, 4pm. Sat.: El Presidio de Santa Bárbara State Historic Park Chapel, 123 E. Canon Perdido St. $58. Sun.: Marjorie Luke Theatre, 721 E. Cota St. $38. folkorchestrasb.com

The 2nd Annual Outdoor Trinity Backstage Holiday Show Join musicians Doug Clegg, Kate Wallace, Grey Brothers, and special guests for an afternoon of great music, delectables, cider, tea, and hot cocoa on the Labyrinth. Sat., Dec. 17, 3-5:30pm. Trinity Episcopal Church, 1500 State St. Suggested donation: $20. Call (805) 965-7419. trinitysb.org/upcomingevents
S.B. Community Flute Ensemble Winter Concert The Ensemble will perform a varied selection of music ranging from whimsical and wintery to thought-provoking and haunting. Sun., Dec. 18, 6pm. Notre Dame School, 33 E. Micheltorena St. Free. Email sbcfe.org@gmail.com. sbcfe.org/events
Kerry Irish Productions Presents An Irish Christmas Take a journey through Christmas in Ireland with a spectacular high-energy display of Irish dancing at its very best. Fri., Dec. 23, 7:30pm. Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St. $25-$75. Call (805) 963.0761. lobero.org/events
Big Christmas Brass Show Enjoy a special Big Brass Tuba Christmas holiday performance. Seating will be provided. Sat., Dec. 17, noon-3pm. Storke Placita (next to McConnell’s Ice Cream), 700 block of State St. Free. downtownsb.org/events/holiday-events
Good Land, Good Shopping Purchase a digital gift card from the online marketplace designed specifically to promote Goleta businesses. Personalize and deliver online via text or email, or print at home to deliver instantly or schedule for later. Call (866) 989-5580 or email info@giftbar.com. goodlandgoodshopping.com
55th Annual Yes Store This S.B. tradition since 1968 will offer shopping for arts, crafts, custom fine jewelry, clothing, and so much more from past and new area artists. Dec. 1-24. Visit the website for hours. La Arcada Plaza, 1100 State St. Free. Call (805) 966-9777 or email YesStoreSantaBarbara@yahoo.com. theyesstore.com

A Crimson Holiday S.B.’s uptown artisan gift gallery will offer items from 40+ artists and designers with a Season of Giving event with 40 free raffle gifts on Thu., Dec. 8, 5-7pm. Dec. 1-31. Thu.-Fri., Mon.-Wed.: 10am-6pm; Sat.: 10am-6pm; Sun.: 11am-6pm. La Cumbre Plaza (former Tiffany & Co.), 121 S. Hope Ave. Free. Call (805) 570-1987 or email mardanne@silcom.com. acrimsonholiday.com
S.B. Museum of Art, Museum Store: Holiday 2022 Check out the curated gift items such as jewelry, stationery, ornaments, and home decor. Thu.: 10:30am-8pm; Fri.-Sat., Tue.-Wed.: 10:30am-6pm; Sun.: 10am-5pm. Closed Mondays and holidays. 1130 State St. Call (805) 884-6454. sbmastore.net
S.B. Maritime Museum Store Shop antique nautical reproductions, books, clothes, toys, and home decor. Thu.-Tue., 10am-5pm. S.B. Maritime Museum, 113 Harbor Wy., Ste 190. Call (805) 456-8747. sbmm.org/museum-store
Trinity Lutheran Church Christmas Flea Market Shop for items such as toys and books, clothing (handmade sweaters and Christmas stockings), jewelry, furniture, and more. Proceeds will benefit Trinity Gardens. Sat., Dec. 3, 10am-2pm; Sun., Dec. 4, 10:30am-1pm. Trinity Lutheran Church, 909 N. La Cumbre Rd. Free. Call (805) 687-1577 or email office@telcsb.org. telcsb.org/calendar
Carpinteria Holiday Marketplace The Carpinteria Valley Historical Society and History Museum will host this event that will offer handcrafted gifts, toys, antiques, furniture, jewelry, clothing, plants, musical instruments, and household items, including quilts, kitchenware, and chinaware, and other treasures. There will be hot dogs, cold beverages, and snacks available for purchase along with live music from the Swing Sisters and Mavis Hansen’s ukulele players. Sat., Dec. 3, 8am-3pm. Carpinteria History Museum, 956 Maple Ave., Carpinteria. Free. Call (805) 684-3112. carpinteriahistoricalmuseum.org
Old Mission S.B. Serra Shop Shop for books, home decor, jewelry, religious gifts, and more. Open daily, 9:30am-5pm. Old Mission S.B., 2201 Laguna St. Call (805) 682-4149. santabarbaramission.org/gift-shop
14th Annual 100 Grand Exhibition (100 Works of Art $1,000 or Less) 100 Grand will display 102 quality works of art such as paintings, drawings, photographs, assemblage, and sculpture by emerging and established artists. Thu., Dec. 1, 5-8pm. Sullivan Goss, An American Gallery, 11 E. Anapamu St. Free. Call (805) 730-1460. sullivangoss.com/exhibitions/100-grand-2022

S.B. Art Works Studio-Gallery 2022 Holiday Showcase This showcase will feature the “Best Of” the resident artists’ work. There will be live music with area holidays arts and gifts for sale. Proceeds will benefit the artists with disabilities. Thu., Dec. 1, 5-8pm. S.B. Art Works Studio-Gallery, 28 E. Victoria St. Free. Email info@sbartworks.org. sbartworks.org/special-events
Elks Lodge 4th Annual Holiday Bazaar & Bake Sale Shop from Elks Lodge charity tables and merchants with baked goods and a raffle. Proceeds will benefit the Elks Lodge. Fri., Dec. 2, 10am-5:30pm. Elks Lodge #613, 150 N. Kellogg Ave., Goleta. Free. tinyurl.com/ElksBazaar2022
Wildling Museum of Art & Nature Museum Store This gift store is full of unique merchandise, books, locally made crafts and jewelry, and holiday cards and ornaments that show love for art and nature! Thu.-Fri., Mon.: 11am-4pm; Sat.-Sun.: 10am-5pm. Wildling Museum of Art and Nature, 1511 Mission Dr., Ste. B, Solvang. Call (805) 688-1082 or email store@wildlingmuseum.org. store.wildlingmuseum.org
Folk & Tribal Arts Pop-Up Weekends Shop from Anomaly Imports, Peruvian Imports, and 2KG African Imports for palm baskets, textiles, items of alpaca fleece, bowls, clothes, and home decor featuring fair-trade art from Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Kenya, with 30 percent of sales supporting the Museum’s education programs and exhibits. Anomaly and Peruvian Imports: Fri.-Sun., Dec. 2-4; Peruvian Imports: Fri.-Sun, Dec. 9-11; 2KG African Imports: Fri.-Sun. Dec. 16-18. 10am-5pm. Free. S.B. Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta del Sol. Call (805) 682-4711. sbnature.org/visit/calendar
Ceramics Holiday Sale Purchase one-of-a-kind ceramic creations from area artists, meet the makers, watch throwing demonstrations on the potter’s wheel! There will be live music and raffles for ceramic gifts, and ornaments to paint. Sat., Dec. 3, 11am-5pm. Clay Studio, 1351 Holiday Hill Rd., Goleta. Free. tinyurl.com/ClayStudioHoliday
Art From Scrap Holiday Market Local makers and artists will sell their handmade wares at this family-friendly market. Sat., Dec. 3, 11am-2pm. Art From Scrap, 302 E. Cota St. Free. Call (805) 884-0459. exploreecology.org/calendar/list
Rancho La Patera & Stow House Museum Store Select gifts from a wide selection of items such as original lemon labels, ironwork, cards, crafts, Goleta memorabilia, and other treasures. Sat.-Sun., Dec. 3-31, 1-4pm. Rancho La Patera & Stow House, 304 N. Los Carneros Rd., Goleta. Call (805) 681-7216. goletahistory.org/visit

Living Faith Church Makers Market Shop items inspired by the heart and soul of local makers that are unique and handcrafted. Proceeds benefit CityServe S.B. Sat., Dec. 3, 10am-3pm. Living Faith Church, 4595 Auhay Dr., Goleta. Free. Call (805) 967-5651 or email makersmarket@livingfaithsb.org. tinyurl.com/LFCmarket
Mujeres Makers Market Two-Day Holiday Market This two-day market will feature local makers, vintage resellers, and artisan goods. Sat.-Sun., Dec. 3-4, 10am-4pm. 123 E. Canon Perdido St. Free. mujeresmakersmarket.com/events
Kevin A. Short Gallery Sale and Tours This studio event will feature artist-led tours of The Peaceful Sea exhibit and the opportunity to purchase some of Kevin A. Short’s highly acclaimed artwork, including posters, color sketches, copper drawings, and paintings varying in size. Sat., Dec. 3, 5-7pm. S.B. Maritime Museum, 113 Harbor Wy. Free. Registration is required. Call (805) 456-8743 or email lfields@sbmm.org. tinyurl.com/KevinShortShopping

11th Annual Wildling Holiday Marketplace Enjoy one-of-a-kind shopping featuring talented local artisans and unique gifts that celebrate wildlife, nature, and the outdoors. Browse prints and books by select artists on view in the current exhibitions. Sip cider, enjoy holiday treats, and more! Sun., Dec. 4, 10am-4pm. Wildling Museum of Art and Nature, 1511 Mission Dr., Ste. B, Solvang. Free. Call (805) 688-1082. wildlingmuseum.org/programs-events
Alternative Christmas Market Support justice organizations that assist in disaster relief, famine, adults with disabilities, and more through meaningful gift and donation card purchases. Proceeds from the kids’ crafts created by Trinity children will go toward participating charities. Sun., Dec. 4, 9am-12:30pm. Trinity Parish Hall, Trinity Episcopal Church, 1500 State St. Free. Call (805) 965-7419. trinitysb.org/upcomingevents
Gem Faire Find the perfect gift for every budget from more than 40 exhibitors from jewelry and gemstones to silver, minerals, and more. Jewelry repair and cleaning is available while you shop. Fri., Dec. 9, noon-6pm; Sat., Dec. 10, 10am-6pm; Sun., Dec. 11, 10am-5pm. Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real. $7/weekend pass. tinyurl.com/GemFairDec
SBCC SEL Arts & Crafts Fair 2022 Shop beautiful handcrafted artworks from S.B. City College’s School of Extended Learning students. Sat., Dec. 10, 10am-4pm. Wake Campus SBCC, 300 N. Turnpike Rd. Free. Call (805) 898-8137 or email rewalsh1@pipeline.sbcc.edu. tinyurl.com/ShopSEL
Elverhøj Museum of History and Art Makers Market Meet the artisans and crafters while shopping a variety of work made locally and sustainably. Sat., Dec. 10 and 17, 11am-5pm. Elverhøj Museum of History and Art, 1624 Elverhoy Wy., Solvang. Free. solvangjulefest.org
S.B. Maritime Museum Presents Sea Glass Pop-Up The SBMM and the Sea Glass and Ocean Arts Festival will host this pop-up that will feature handmade, ocean-themed art, and authentic sea-glass jewelry created by talented artists. Sun., Dec. 11, 10am-4pm. S.B. Maritime Museum, 113 Harbor Wy., Ste. 190. Free. Call (805) 962-8404 or email info@sbmm.org. sbmm.org/santa-barbara-events
Crafter’s Library Workshops Participate in creating holiday items such as macramé, holiday stars, no-mess glitter ornaments, stockings, gift cards and tags, a heart pendant, snowflakes, and holiday signs. Visit the website for the schedule. Thu., Dec. 1-Sat., Dec. 17. $25-$75. The Crafter’s Library, 9 E. Figueroa St. Free. Call (805) 770-3566 or email andrew@thecrafterslibrary.com. thecrafterslibrary.com/calendar
Recycled Ornaments Crafternoon Have an eco-friendly holiday and see where your imagination takes you when you use the reuse materials in the workshop. Thu., Dec. 1, 3:30-5pm. Art From Scrap, 302 E. Cota St. $8. Call (805) 884-0459 or email jill@exploreecology.org. exploreecology.org/calendar/list
Art From Scrap Holiday Cards, Gift Tags, and Postcards Workshop Adults are invited to learn how to collage found materials to make original designs, then type your holiday greetings on vintage typewriters to add personal messages to your creations. Fri., Dec. 2, 6-8pm. Art From Scrap, 302 E. Cota St. $25. Call (805) 884-0459. exploreecology.org/calendar/list

Holiday Wreath Workshop Learn to make your own hand-tied wreath using fresh greenery and anything you have foraged in this fun workshop. No experience is required. All materials will be provided. Sat., Dec. 3, 11am-1pm. Porch, 2346 Lillie Ave., Summerland. $125. Call (805) 684-0300. tinyurl.com/PorchWreath
Holiday Candle-Making Workshop All materials will be included to create a personalized candle with a custom blend and a gift box. Wine and snacks will be provided. Thu., Dec. 8, 6-8pm. Stik N Stuk Creative Studios, 118 Gray Ave. $75. tinyurl.com/HolidayCandleMaking
Winter Gift-Making Workshop Children ages 5-12 will gain inspiration from works of art in the Museum’s collection to draw, paint, print, collage, and sculpt artful gifts to share with friends and family. Sat., Dec. 10, 9am-3pm. S.B. Museum of Art, 1130 State St. Member: $120; non-member: $150. Call (805) 884-6457 or email communityprograms@sbma.net. tickets.sbma.net/event-list/workshops/
Wildling Museum Making Ornament Art Enjoy a relaxing afternoon making two different styles of ornaments with artist and instructor Cydney Miller! Learn how to collage gold- and silver-leaf ornaments and then try your hand at elegant origami cranes and butterflies with festive specialty papers and decorative accents. Sun., Dec. 11, 1-3pm. Wildling Museum of Art and Nature, 1511 Mission Dr., Ste. B, Solvang. $35. Ages 12+. Call (805) 686-8315. wildlingmuseum.org/programs-events
Art From Scrap Indigo Holiday Dye Bath Drop in (no need to sign up) to bring new life to old items like a white shirt that needs some color, an old tea towel, and anything else. Fri., Dec. 17, 11am-1pm. Art From Scrap, 302 E. Cota St. $5 per item. Call (805) 884-0459. exploreecology.org/calendar/list
Winter Scene Paint & Sip No experience is necessary as a trained artist will walk you through the entire painting process step by step. BYOB and paint a beautiful winter scene. Thu., Dec. 29, 6-8:30pm. Art Spot, 320 Alisal Rd., Ste. 306B. $45. Call (805) 325-8092 or email info@artspotonwheels.com. artspotonwheels.com/paint-sip-solvang
Age 21+ Holiday Fun
Miracle at the Funk Zone Make your reservation to experience over-the-top holiday decor, displays, and festive cocktails like Bad Santa, On Dasher, and more in collectable ceramic vessels (a portion of some of the mugs for sale will go to the James Beard Foundation’s Open for Good). Dec. 1-31; closed Christmas Day. Pearl Social, 131 Anacapa St., Ste. B. Free. Ages 21+. Call (805) 284-0380 or email info@pearlsocialsb.com. pearlsocialsb.com
2nd Annual Hometown Holiday Hoedown with Chris Shiflett Band Join country-rock artist and Foo Fighters guitarist Chris Shiflett’s holiday concert with friends Nerf Herder and Logan Livermore. Thu., Dec. 15, 8pm. $25. SOhO Restaurant & Music Club, 1221 State St. Ages 21+. Call (805) 962-7776. sohosb.com/events

15th Annual Holiday Sweater Party Featuring Molly Ringwald Project Put on your best (worst) holiday sweater and dance to the Molly Ringwald Project and Green Flag Summer. Sat., Dec. 17, 8pm. SOhO Restaurant & Music Club, 1221 State St. $25. Ages 21+. Call (805) 962-7776. tinyurl.com/2022UglySweater
Vivian Storm Sing-Along Join for a Christmas jingle sing-along, holiday cheer, and cocktails with drag performer extraordinaire Vivian Storm. Tue., Dec. 6, 5pm. Miracle at Pearl Social, 131 Anacapa St., Ste. B. $15. Ages 21+. tinyurl.com/VivianStormSingAlong
New Year’s Eve
Double Dolphin New Year’s Eve Champagne Cruise Cast into 2023 along the S.B. coastline with bottomless champagne in a reusable nautical Govino glass to take with you. Sat., Dec. 31, 3:15-5:15pm. S.B. Sailing Ctr., 302 W. Cabrillo Blvd. $110. Ages 21+. Call (805) 962-2826 or email anchor@sbsail.com. tinyurl.com/DoubleDolphinNYE
New Year’s Eve with the S.B. Symphony Guest conductor Bob Bernhardt will return to conduct a rousing program of glitz, glamor, and symphonic joy. Sat., Dec. 31, 8:30-10pm. The Granada Theatre, 1214 State St. $55-$250. Call (805) 898-9386 or email info@thesymphony.org. ticketing.granadasb.org
S.B. NYE Bar Crawl Dress to impress, then visit more than 10 parties in one night with one all-access pass that includes shots, drink specials, and free cover. Sat., Dec. 31. Check-in 8-10:30pm. Institution Ale Company, 516 State St. $19-$39. Ages 21+. tinyurl.com/NYEbarCrawl
Gatsby’s House NYE Enjoy champagne and hors d’oeuvres, dancing all night to the sounds provided by S.B.’s top deejays, casino night with games to play and prizes to win, and celebrating the coming year at the greatest 1920s-inspired New Year’s Eve celebration. Sat., Dec. 31, 8:30pm-1am. Hilton S.B. Beachfront Resort Ballroom, 633 E. Cabrillo Blvd. GA: $195; VIP: $269 (discounts for groups of five or more). Ages 21+. Call (323) 604-6030 or email info@vipnightlife.com. tinyurl.com/GatsbysHouse2023
Backstage NYE 2023 Kick off the New Year on three floors with music from four deejays, champagne, a balloon drop, a photographer, and dueling pianos. Sat., Dec. 31, 7pm-2am. Backstage Kitchen & Bar, 409 State St. $10-$50. Ages 21+. Call (805) 957-4111 or email reserve@backstagesb.com. tinyurl.com/BackstageNYE
SOhO New Year’s Eve Bash: Donavan Frankenreiter with Christina Holmes Spend the eve listening to the unique blend of laid-back grooves, philosophical lyrics, and soulful delivery from Donavan Frankenreiter. Sat., Dec. 31, 9:30pm. SOhO Restaurant & Music Club, 1221 State St., Ste. 205. Show: $35; dinner and show: $125. Ages 21+. Call (805) 962-7776. sohosb.com/events
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