Why We Need Measure B

Fri Oct 21, 2022 | 12:23pm

I support Measure B, Goleta’s penny-on-the dollar sales tax increase that will raise $10 million. Today Goleta has a big gap between its revenue and the funds necessary for its key priorities such as maintaining good roads, ensuring good fire and police response times, and cleaning creeks and beaches.

Our roads are at risk because of years of underfunding in order to balance the budget as required by law. Similarly, the Lake Los Carneros bridge replacement and our Community Center renovation lack all the funding needed to proceed.

Goleta’s cost of policing services just went up significantly. Western Goleta’s Fire Station 10 construction lacks full funding to proceed. Without more funding, public safety response times are at risk.

Polluted local creeks not only create local health hazards, but also drain into the ocean, creating unsafe beaches and threatening recreational opportunities.

We can’t just kick the can down the road. We need to fund these and other essential items without leaving the next generations a large debt of deferred maintenance and unsafe conditions.
Measure B won’t cause any increases in many essential items that are exempted, such as gas, groceries and medications. About half of the $10 million in new revenue will come from visiting shoppers.

It’s no surprise to me that four of five Goleta council members, along with so many community organizations, businesses, local leaders, and The Santa Barbara Independent support Measure B. I hope that voters will agree that we need to pay our way to maintain and improve our community’ infrastructure, public safety, and natural resources.

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