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LOMPOC, CA, August 2, 2022 – The community is invited to gear up for Lompoc Parks and  Recreation’s Annual Skateboard Competition at the Lompoc Skate Park on Saturday, Aug. 20. 

This event is open to all skaters ages 7 and older, and is co-sponsored by Surf Connection.  Lompoc Foursquare Church is providing refreshments.  

The Lompoc Skate Park is located at 305 W. College Ave. Prizes will be awarded in each  category and age group. Participants must comply with the rules and regulations of the skate  park, and wear appropriate safety equipment. Check-in starts at 10 a.m. and the contest begins at  11 a.m. The cost is $5 per event. 

Participants are invited to register at the Lompoc Parks and Recreation Division, 125 W. Walnut  Ave. Pre-registration is encouraged, but on-site registration will be accepted. Registration forms  can also be found online at Community members seeking  additional information on the skateboard competition are invited to call Lompoc Parks and  Recreation at: (805) 875-8100. 

The Lompoc Parks and Recreation Division 

The City of Lompoc Parks and Recreation Division has grown significantly since it was started  in 1945, as the community realized the importance of recreation to quality of life. The mission of  the Lompoc Parks and Recreation Division is to provide for a better quality of life by promoting  positive social behavior, interaction with others, self-discovery and positive self-esteem through  the development, implementation, and coordination of a wide variety of recreation and leisure  services. Lompoc Parks and Recreation provides varied programs and services for youth, teens,  and adults of all ages. The division also offers several venues for hosting public and private  events, including the state-of-the-art Lompoc Aquatic Center. For a full list of programs and  services, visit us online at


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