Donald, Meet Liz Cheney
Donald, meet Liz Cheney. She’s all the things you are not, though you might claim otherwise.
She has principles. She takes her oath of office seriously. She has courage you could not even imagine, courage to speak truth to you and all your pathetic sycophants, at the risk of her own career. And, unfortunately for you, she is smart, the kind of smart you will never know, the kind of smart that doesn’t need to announce itself as a “stable genius,” a kind of smart that only requires us to watch her actions and listen to her words to leave no doubt about her intellect.
She has shown her courage by defying the rest of her party to be co-chair of the January 6th Committee. Again and again, her statements are articulate, brilliantly expressing so much about the horror of the Capitol Insurrection and the role you played in its planning and execution.
On Thursday, as acting chair in the absence of Chairman Bennie Thompson, due to COVID, she gave the closing remarks on the latest public hearing. I think they may have been her most eloquent yet, a sentiment that was echoed by the panel of NBC commentators following today’s hearing. She was unsparing in her condemnation of you, and, guilty though they may be, she also characterized the Capitol attackers as victims, victims of their slavish, though ill-advised devotion to you. A devotion you were only too willing to abuse in pursuit of your own narcissistic desires.
What a welcome change it would be for the people of Wyoming to vote for a candidate of intelligence and integrity, instead of yet another Trump toady who continues to spout the Big Lie.