Daisy, Doris, Chip and Milhouse 

Thu May 12, 2022 | 12:14pm

Daisy is just waiting to be picked!

The hustle and bustle of shelter life does not suit this four-year-old kitty, so she is extra eager to find a quiet home where she can blossom. Daisy is a shy girl who just wants someone who understands her. She would be happiest in a home with no other cats.

Want to learn more about Daisy? Go towww.sbhumane.org to view her profile. Are you interested in bringing Daisy home? Email Adopt@sbhumane.org or call (805) 964-4777 to make an adoption appointment today!


If you can’t decide between a lop-eared bunny and an “up-eared” bunny then Doris is the girl for you! She has one ear of each type, sometimes called “helicopter ears,” and has a magnificent set of whiskers. She is less than a year old, has good litter habits and loves to dash, binky and zoom when out for exercise. Take Delightful Doris home and enjoy her amazing moves and looks.

Chip and Milhouse

This pair of young guinea pigs are the happiest of brothers, even though they lost their home when their adoptive family became unable to care for them. They began at BUNS as extremely shy and nervous babies but have come into their own now and are sociable, friendly boys. They also have a knack for posing together to best show off their cuteness. Come meet this perfect pair and make them your own!

Come meet more guinea pigs and bunnies (bunnies are spayed/neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped) at BUNS: 5474 Overpass Rd. in Goleta, M-F from 2 to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 12 to 4 p.m., or by appt. Visit www.bunssb.org., call (805) 683-0521, or email info@bunssb.org., for more info.

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