Suppose I ask you what your favorite animal is. There is a considerable probability that you will respond with a sea turtle, dolphin, sea otter, or maybe a shark (my personal favorite).
What do these beloved animals have in common aside from being marine animals? Their existence is in danger due to the surplus of plastic waste in our oceans.
While we have made progress by having UC campuses commit to eliminating single-use plastics by 2030, plastic waste is still threatening our oceans and environment. The production of plastic keeps exponentially increasing, and we must take action before it is too late. Think about it, was that extra piece of plastic that came with your package truly necessary? Probably not.
We must combat plastic pollution in our oceans. Our environment is calling for help, and we must answer the call or, better yet, make the call.
Contact Assemblymember Steve Bennett at (805) 564-1649 and Senator Monique Limón at (805) 965-0862 and urge them and their colleagues to vote yes on the Senate Bill 343 to save our oceans from plastic pollution.