Santa Barbara County Public Health Receives 57,000 COVID-19 Test Kits

200,000 Free, At-Home Tests Requested, Expected to Arrive in Coming Weeks

Fri Jan 21, 2022 | 01:14pm

The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department has received nearly 57,000 COVID-19 test kits from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), a federal healthcare partner. County Public Health has requested 200,000 kits, and the remainder are expected to arrive in the coming weeks. 

“Through the receipt of these initial test kit shipments, we are on the road to community members having regular access to free, at-home test kits,” said County Public Health Director Van Do-Reynoso. “It is only through the many partners that have agreed to assist in test kit distribution that we are able to ensure equity of access for all of our Santa Barbara County communities.”

Testing kits have already been allocated to approximately 35 community partners, including community-based organizations, cities, agricultural and public housing providers, service providers for persons experiencing homelessness, and those serving populations at greatest risk from adverse outcomes related to COVID-19.

Community distribution events will begin taking place as test kits are distributed, and sites open to the public will be listed at

County Public Health will also host a one-day distribution event open to the public in Santa Maria this Saturday, January 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., or until supplies run out. The event will take place at the Santa Maria Health Care Center located at 2115 Centerpointe Pkwy, Santa Maria, CA 93455.

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