Transformational leaders engage with communities, focus on higher order intrinsic needs, and raise consciousness to collaboratively determine visionary goals and new ways in which specific related outcomes might be achieved. I have watched and engaged with James Joyce III through Coffee With A Black Guy and observed a transformational leadership style in which empathy, consistency, and pragmatic innovative thinking predominate.
In many of the debates, I hear candidates suggest that only they can solve the issues. What I hear from James Joyce III is that he will gather all stakeholders to listen and come up with collective solutions to make Santa Barbara the city it can be. Joyce developed his exceptional leadership skills during his years working for Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson. He adapts quickly, proactively motivates and sets vision, demonstrates personal awareness, builds networks. He is the candidate that can make a difference and effectively accomplish meaningful change.
Do we want more of the same or true solutions to complex issues? I want real leadership change and James Joyce III is my candidate.