The Sierra Club is proud to endorse Meagan Harmon for another term on the Santa Barbara City Council.
Since joining the Council in 2019, Councilmember Harmon has been a champion for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, keeping our creeks and drinking water clean, and protecting our beaches from oil development and harmful stormwater runoff. She is a strong supporter of the local Climate Action Plan, Santa Barbara Clean Energy, installation of photovoltaic systems on municipal properties, stormwater management, and active transportation. She supports City subsidies to property owners to install solar, solar microgrids, and transitioning the desalination plant to 100 percent renewable energy.
In addition, Councilmember Harmon is a strong supporter of building housing in the downtown core to address the housing crisis. “People who work here should be able to live here. We must prioritize the creation of new, affordable housing units,” she says, and the Sierra Club agrees.
Finally, Councilmember Harmon was recently appointed by Governor Newsom to the Coastal Commission to represent our area. She is a strong voice for coastal protection and efforts to implement a comprehensive plan to react to and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Now more than ever we need local leaders who are fully committed to fighting climate change with every tool in our arsenal. That is why I, and the Sierra Club, support Meagan Harmon for reelection.
Katie Davis is chair of Sierra Club Santa Barbara Group.