I was pleased, but not surprised, to see Councilwoman Meagan Harmon endorsed by the Sierra Club. Her record on environmental issues is without parallel.
Meagan has been a passionate leader for policies that will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. This includes Santa Barbara Clean Energy, which lets the city and its residents have greater control over energy options, increase the percentage of clean electricity at affordable rates, and develop new solar and other renewable energy sources that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. She understands the issues and works to find creative solutions.
Meagan has advocated for maximizing affordable housing in new development so we are making the most of every opportunity to keep our workforce local rather than commuting hours per day and spewing emissions along the way.
As a new appointee to the California Coastal Commission, Meagan is already a strong voice for a comprehensive plan to address climate change, including the looming threat of sea level rise. We must plan for this, because it is coming, and it will affect housing, businesses, and city infrastructure.
We need more voices like Meagan Harmon’s on the City Council: young, smart, forward-thinking, but acting now to make changes in response to all the environmental challenges we face.