Independent, you’ve managed to find an MD in S.B. with a valid state license (which BTW, is far too easy to achieve and renew no matter your current competence) who refuses to vaccinate during this unprecedented global pandemic.
Ask anti-vaxxers if they’ve ever experienced polio, mumps, measles, chicken pox, shingles, rubella, pneumonia, meningitis, tetanus, influenza, etc. or, were they protected so they could grow up to throw their selfish tantrums.
As an example of public health thinking, in this community, clinicians are required to be vaccinated annually against influenza if they wish to treat patients in an accredited clinical or acute care hospital setting (thank you, Cottage Hospital and Sansum Clinic!). It would be helpful if all media outlets cease to provide a forum for anti-vax hypocrites allowing them to spew their BS. Let’s ignore them, be realistic about our future, and support health for everyone.