Dear Trustees Gallardo, Haslund, Miller and Parker:
We have followed the recent vote on whether SBCC should adopt a vaccination mandate for students, faculty and staff, and we note, with dismay, your “no” vote on this vital public health issue. We do not need to repeat the scientific facts and the reasons why a vaccine mandate is fully justified under the circumstances. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, as of July 14, 578 colleges have adopted a vaccine mandate. The vaccines are safe, and there is no reason, legally or medically, to wait until full FDA approval. We urge you to reconsider your votes and end up supporting the mandate.
The Gray Panthers Santa Barbara Network works both independently and in coalition with others to achieve social and economic justice, to promote a clean sustainable environment, to support quality and affordable health care, to create and maintain safe, affordable housing for all income levels as well as addressing other quality of life issues with special attention to older adults.
We have friends and relatives who attend or work at the college and are concerned about the community spread of the virus to vulnerable people, including the elderly, even if they are vaccinated.
Additional signatures: Gail Marshall, Secretary, Gray Panthers S.B. Network; David Landecker, Treasurer; Jan Keller, Membership; and Richard Appelbaum, Jo Black, Marty Blum, Carol Keator, David Lebell, M.D., Susan Rose, and Janet Wolf