Mission Creek Bridge is one of the treasures of our area. It is inconceivable the City of Santa Barbara could be intending to demolish it. Traffic flow on the bridge works well for everyone — cars, bikes, and pedestrians. There is no safety reason to demolish one of our area’s most historic sites.
Almost all of the city structures from the American period that are historic landmarks date to the 20th century, not the 1800s. Mission Creek Bridge is a rare, late 19th century landmark in the City of Santa Barbara. It is also on state and national lists of historic and architectural resources.
Mission Creek Bridge is part of Mission Historical Park. It fits organically and seamlessly with the rest of the park. To tear it down and replace it with a new bridge would not only destroy one of the city’s most important landmarks, but it would negatively impact the national Historic Landmark District surrounding the Santa Barbara Mission.
The Santa Barbara City Council should save Mission Creek Bridge!