Five Days to Go!

Thu May 27, 2021 | 04:18am

Please support the effort to save the San Marcos Foothill Preserve. This public environmental space is in danger of being permanently marred. All the coyotes, rabbits, deer, birds, trees, and natural grasses on this land are in danger. Public parks and outdoor recreational areas are essential. Myriad studies show how important being out in nature is for both mental and physical health. In times like these, especially, we need to preserve this land permanently.

I visit the preserve often to walk and take in the beauty of the natural land, as many in our community do. We need to rally together to save this sacred Chumash land, not just for our community, but for everyone. Santa Barbara is a massive tourist destination. This cause is for everyone. As a young adult with next to no income, I feel so strongly about this cause I donated $500 to preserve it. Please take this opportunity to spread awareness in support of land preservation. It would be greatly appreciated and well received.

The deadline to save the San Marcos Foothill Preserve is June 1. So far, this cause is more than half-way funded, but the deadline is approaching fast. I know we can meet this goal. Together, we can achieve it. Visit

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