The socialist Democrat Party is on the move. Their goal, absolute power. At breakneck speed, President Biden has been signing a huge number of executive orders, proclamations, memorandums and notes. Also, the Democrat Party controls the executive branch (president) and half the legislative branch (Congress). Next on their agenda, controlling the judiciary branch. (Supreme Court + judges) Never mind that the framers wanted checks and balances, with the Supreme Court being an independent, non-political body that interprets laws according to the Constitution.
Recently, the Democrats revealed how they plan to take over the Supreme Court. First, Biden signed an executive order establishing a Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States. It will produce a report analyzing the membership and size of the court. Will this commission be impartial? Or will it give cover for packing the Supreme Court?
Even more astonishing, Sen. Ed Marke (D-Mass.) and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) introduced a bill, the Judiciary Act of 2021, to add four seats and thus establish a 13-Justice Supreme Court, that tilts left.
Does Congress have the authority to create term limits or other procedures to change the make-up of the Supreme Court? If so, would these actions set a precedent for future presidents?
Going forward, the question must be asked, will Pres. Biden and the Democrat Party’s thirst for absolute power, end up destroying the most successful Republic of all time?