(SANTA BARBARA, Calif.) – The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department is beginning a phased roll out of the My Turn scheduling platform offered by the State of California. The My Turn tool is part of an effort by state health leaders to organize California’s broad reaching vaccination drive, consisting of public and private health systems, pharmacies, hospitals, community health clinics, pop-up sites, and mobile sites. The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department will offer a Johnson and Johnson vaccine clinic in Santa Maria on Friday, April 16, 2021 at Allan Hancock College. Appointments will be released on Monday, April 12, 2021 at https://myturn.ca.gov/.
First-dose clinics moving forward will be released via the My Turn portal. Persons needing a second dose will receive an email one week before their second dose is due. They may also call 2-1-1 and select option 4 one week before their second dose is due if they need assistance scheduling. Those needing a second dose will not need to register for My Turn.
“Vaccination is one of the most important tools we have to help end the COVID-19 pandemic. The State has said if we continue on the positive trajectory we are currently on with decreasing cases and hospitalizations we can fully reopen schools, businesses, and resume our most enjoyed activities soon. Everyone 16 years of age and over is eligible to receive the vaccinations that have been shown to be very effective and safe,” said Dr. Henning Ansorg, Health Officer for Santa Barbara County. “Please continue to wear a mask, stay at least six feet from others, and if you test positive, please isolate immediately. We are almost there.”
The Santa Barbara County Call Center remains open daily from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Call 2-1-1 and press option 4 for vaccination assistance. For more information about COVID-19 vaccination, how to schedule appointments for the vaccine and for information and updates on the vaccine, please visit https://publichealthsbc.org/vaccine/.