I have been baffled by the unwavering support of Trump supporters. It seems I have finally found an answer. The president is a world-class narcissistic person, and so are his followers.
This explains their fear of social programs because they redistribute some of the ridiculous wealth distributed at the top of the income ladder. It is well-known that these groups are funded by billionaires including the Koch brothers.
The propaganda machine that they have created is so vast has it is hard to observe. With their loss of social networks including Facebook and Twitter they will certainly turn to other forms of communication such as secure emails.
The fact that they are planning an armed protest in the capital during the inauguration points to the fact that these people think of nothing but themselves including our very precious democracy. Trump’s followers are narcissistic to the core and only care for themselves.
I will never forget a poster that said keep your government hands off my Medicare at a Tea Party protest.
The rift in the country is immutable since these personalities are incapable of compromise and the clash between more enlightened and balanced personalities is inevitable.
Buckle up for more violence and confrontation. Where it leads, I cannot say.