I would like to voice my support of S.B. Unified’s Sex Education Program for the junior high students in this community.
Right now, a very vocal group is protesting against it. These protesters do not see the simple solution: They can very easily opt their child out if they don’t like it.
I am upset that they are attempting to block my child from it. I want this program for my child!
Americans speak precious little to their children about sex, and school is theonlyplace mostkids will get “correct” information from trained teachers.
Boys & Sex and Girls & Sex author Peggy Orenstein interviewed hundreds of teens about the current state of sex for American kids, and the reality is the majority of parents arenottalking to their kids.
Fact: Kids today are getting sex ed from:
1. Peers (often ill informed)
2. The Internet, i.e., porn.
In 2020, the average age for a child to see their first porn is 11! This isn’t like finding a Playboy under the mattress. This is hardcore stuff that is very easily accessed and shared between our kids. I have heard some disturbing stories lately from fellow moms of elementary students!
I am the daughter of teen parents. They were 16. Education is empowerment. When kids have correct information about sex, they are more likely to make good decisions for themselves.
What S.B. Unified is doing is correct and right. Educating our kids about this very important, natural part of life is the right thing to do.