In every election year the political views of the two major publication in Santa Barbara reveal their opposite political views on everything. The present 2020 political season is no different.
The conservative News-Press has made it clear it endorses President Donald Trump and the Republican candidates and opposed all of the outlandish, crazy state propositions except for 20 and 22, which are the only “Yes” in their endorsements. On the other side, the Independent is endorsing the Biden-Harris camp and their far left communist agenda for us. They are so far left that Stalin would be embarrased at their “Green New Deal” and the utter damage it will do to the U.S. if they are elected.
And also, the Independent supports most of the propositions put out for us by the radical left officials and Governor Gavin Newsom that are evil and will hurt most working Americans. Especially Proposition 15, sponsored by Newsom and his buddies in the unions who pay for his election, the SEIU and the California teachers’ union. Prop. 15 is a Trogen horse that they will use to undo Prop.13 that protects us all from the radicals in Sacramento.
So here you have on one street the paper with the most diabolical and evil endorsements and then at the News-Press the builders of the economy and the opposition to higher taxes and control of the coronavirus, which the Democrats could not figure out when they had the swine flu, H1N1.
Unfortunately this is the choice the whole country is facing. The masses of voters are asked to decide to save their country by voting for President Trump or see our great civilization go under with the socialist Biden and Harris. Americans are not prepared to make such a decision. Most do not know the issues, what the improvements have been, and most do not spend time learning about government and its winning policies.
The media are Biden partisans and obfuscate everything for his cause with “fake news” against Trump and they protect 78-year-old Biden from the voters so they will not find out that he is limited with dementia and Alzheimer’s and not capable of running this country, so the radical Harris will be our president if they are elected.
So, like the country, we have two worlds far apart in the same town. You, the voter, has to decide which world you want to live in, One with a bright future with the Trump administration and our free enterprise system, or socialism under Biden and Harris, which we have seen fail around the world.
Don’t kid yourself. This is the choice.