Do we want a president who has his lips firmly planted on Vladimir Putin’s posterior? Do we think it’s okay to have Putin’s puppet turn a blind eye when the communist dictator puts a bounty on the heads of American troops? Do we want to re-elect this Coward-in-Chief who believes that our soldiers (who have fought and died for the freedoms we enjoy) are “losers” and “suckers” that were simply too stupid to have their fathers pay for multiple draft deferments? Do we want a president who uses quasi-military thugs to stifle free speech, but defends vigilantes and cold-blooded killers of unarmed civil rights protesters.
Do we want to join ignorant mobs who consistently use “socialist” as a pejorative without having the slightest idea what that term actually means? Joe Biden is not a socialist. He is a person of uncommon decency and compassion who loves his country and its democratic values. Donald Trump, on the other hand, is a soulless, clueless, blow-dried autocrat who loves only two things — unrestrained power and himself!
In these trying times, we need a leader not a bottom feeder. Commit to vote either by mail-in ballot or in person at your polling place. Others have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can exercise our franchise. If we allow Herr Trump to be successful in suppressing our vote, those brave and courageous patriots will have died in vain.