VAFB Access Limited To Essential Personnel and Services Only
By order of the Installation Commander,
access to Vandenberg Air Force Base will be limited to essential personnel
and services only beginning March 20 at noon.
The 30th Medical Group Pharmacy, Commissary and Base Exchange services will
remain available to all authorized beneficiaries, to include retirees,
veterans and dependents who possess a valid ID card.
“The health and safety of the men and women of Vandenberg remains our top
priority,” said Col. Anthony Mastalir, 30th Space Wing commander. “We are
remaining proactive in our efforts to safeguard our service members and
their families. Make no mistake, our mission remains unaffected. Preserving
our ability to carry out our national security mission is crucial as we
continue to work with our local and federal counterparts to actively combat
the spread of COVID-19.”
There are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Vandenberg AFB.
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