Federal and State Tax-Payment Deadlines Extended to July 15
Deadline Pushed Back in Response to Instability Caused by COVID-19 Crisis

On Thursday, March 19, California State Controller Betty Yee announced that the state tax deadline, previously pushed back to June 15, would be further extended to July 15.
On the federal level, the filing deadline is April 15, but the payment date has been extended to July 15. The period for filing was extended in order to account for the instability and confusion created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a statement, Lee said, “The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting life for people and businesses statewide. Hopefully, this small measure of relief will help allow people to focus on the health and safety of themselves and their families during these challenging times.”
On the federal level, the IRS website gives the following information: “Income tax payment deadlines for individual returns, with a due date of April 15, 2020, are being automatically extended until July 15, 2020, for up to $1 million of their 2019 tax due. This payment relief applies to all individual returns, including self-employed individuals, and all entities other than C-Corporations, such as trusts or estates. IRS will automatically provide this relief to taxpayers.”
The release also states, “To align with the IRS special tax relief, I have authorized FTB to postpone until July 15, the deadline to file and pay taxes owed for all* individuals and business entities for: 2019 tax returns, 2019 tax return payments, 2020 first and second quarter estimate payments, 2020 LLC taxes and fees, and 2020 non-wage withholding payments.”
It also encourages those with further questions regarding state taxes, federal taxes, and COVID-19 to consult the following resources:
For more information about federal filing of returns and payment of taxes owed, visit irs.gov.
For more information about state filing of returns and payment of taxes owed, visit ftb.ca.gov.
For updates and information about the COVID-19 pandemic, visit covid19.ca.gov.