Laura Capps Concedes in 1st District Race
Das Williams's Lead Grows Following New Wave of Ballot Counts

One week after Election Day, nearly all of the remaining votes have been tallied — solidifying incumbent Das Williams’s win over challenger Laura Capps in the 1st District Supervisor race.
The 1st District race was the only one of the three local races that was close enough (Williams had a narrow 51.63 percent lead over Capps) to make voters wait for the final count before knowing Williams won for sure. More ballots were counted Monday giving Williams an even larger lead, so Capps conceded.
“After the most recent update from the county, it is clear that 1st District voters have re-elected Das Williams as their Supervisor,” Capps said. “I called to congratulate him and his team on their win.
“I first decided to run for Supervisor because I am dedicated to making life better for all children and families in our county, and that remains as true today as it ever has been,” she continued. “When we do right by our children, we do right by everyone.”
As of press time, Williams won 52.26 percent of the votes and Capps won 46.48 percent.
“I am extending a heartfelt thank you to every single person — and all the kids! — who came with us on this journey,” Capps said. “We stood up for what we know to be true and I couldn’t be more inspired and grateful.”