Das Walks the Walk

Thu Feb 13, 2020 | 03:10pm

I am extremely saddened and disappointed by how negative and attacking Laura Capps has been toward Das Williams, a fellow Democrat, who has a 17-year record of extraordinary accomplishments on a range of issues, from a living wage ordinance for the City of Santa Barbara to climate change and sustainability legislation locally and at the state level, to authoring the nation’s first red flag law, and so much more.

Using Trump-like tactics and low blows like questioning Das’s integrity is just not how I expect our local Democrats to conduct themselves. I know Laura has contributed to our community and appreciate her work on the school board — she has a lot to offer and has some interesting and valuable ideas. But this is just not acceptable behavior.

I also question why she made the strategic decision to run for 1st District Supervisor against a strong, dedicated incumbent when she knew we have a critical election in SYV (Joan Hartmann’s seat) that could cause us to lose the progressive majority on the board which could have a terrible impact on our community, especially where environmental protection is concerned.

Winning at any cost is not something I respect, and I am offended when she publicly attacks Das.

As far as I am concerned, Das walks-the-walk and is as committed and ethical a public servant as I have ever seen. I am proud to support Das Williams for reelection and proud of him for not going low.

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