Thanks, Annie, for the Modest Proposal.
I’m going to go waaaaay out on a limb here and guess that the cannabis industry in Santa Barbara County is going to have snit fits about this Swiftian note.
All I can say is “LS/MFT.”
For those too young to remember, this is not a reference to a boy band.
Translated it is “Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco,” an advertising slogan that resulted in numerous lung-cancer deaths and generations of people struggling with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). My own father-in-law, a medical pathologist who was among the first to remove dairy products from his diet in the 1950s, continued to believe tobacco was not carcinogenic … as he lay dying of lung cancer.
Cannabis, whether used as THC or CBD, is not a panacea. It is also not an inoffensive alternative to alcohol. And it is definitely not adequately researched for the consuming public to understand the dangers, much less verify any of the touted benefits.