Brandi, Emily, and Gary on the Giving Season

Brandi (center), Emily, and Gary

Wed Nov 13, 2019 | 10:30pm

Indy publisher Brandi Rivera and marketing manager Emily Cosentino joined Gary Clark of the Fund for Santa Barbara to tell us a little bit about the SB Gives! campaign in this week’s paper.

You must be so proud to launch year three of this nonprofit booster!  Yes, we are! With the Fund for Santa Barbara, the Independent is supporting 53 nonprofits this year through S.B. Gives!

What’s new this year?  We are focusing on cultivating new and young (ages 18 to 35) donors. And the Independent is sponsoring a $1,000 grant to the participating nonprofit who garners the most young donors during the campaign.

It can’t be as easy as you make it look.  Any nonprofit can tell you fundraising is hard! But we raised more than $750,000 in our first two years. Our biggest challenge has been securing partners to support the matching funds grant. We are so appreciative of the Brittingham Family Foundation, McCune Foundation, and Santa Barbara Foundation for partnering with us this year.

Okay. You’re stuck on a desert island in the Arctic. Which nonprofit rescues you?  Who wrote that question? We’d only get stuck on a tropical island. But definitely Unite to Light and their solar-powered lights is who we’d need.

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