Regarding ‘Loan Closet Saves Pain’: As a local physical therapist dealing with decreasing Medicare reimbursements and experiencing the trickling down effect to the distribution schedules and availability of durable medical equipment vendors, the Loan Closet is a saving grace. Many of our patients do not need the brand new $60-$500 piece of equipment. At discharge from the hospital we often suggest the Loan Closet and call up Bob Krumm to see if he has something specific available. If not, we reach out to our local drug stores, if time is of essence, or we refer them to online shopping.
With the recent changes to insurances and reimbursements, if the Loan Closet was not available to our community, it would be a major struggle to get our patients home safely. I, also, wish he had more space but I am absolutely grateful it exists. Thank you, Bob!