Name: Maya Chiodo
Title: Robert A. Sollen Fellow
You’re the Independent’s first Robert A. Sollen Fellow. Tell us what that means and what you do. The late Bob Sollen is known for his influential environmental reporting and coverage of the 1969 oil spill. I’m grateful that I haven’t had to report on a catastrophe of that scale, but I am proud to report on groundbreaking research coming out of UCSB, issues around cannabis and onshore oil, and local activism.
What’s been your favorite story to work on? Why’d you like it? Interviewing Dr. Roland Geyer for my profile on him and his work was honestly a blast. He told me about some of the documentaries and fictional stories that have really impacted him. I recommend checking out Koyaanisqatsi.
What’s your next move? I’m leaving the California coast for the Rockies. Don’t get me wrong, I love the beach, but I’ve always identified more as a mountain goat.