I was hugely disappointed that the Independent would waste so much newsprint and ink on an unscientifically based, fear-mongering article on sea rise. Now, if this were an original bit of journalism based on firsthand scientific fact, you would have abandoned the attempt because what the writing contains complete non-sense. First off, the projected sea rise is not consistent with observable data from NASA on sea-level changes during all the years we’ve been told the “the ice is melting.”
Second point is that the postulate that warming waters expand, thus the oceans rise, is missing an important expression in the equation: warming waters accelerate evaporation. Water vapor is the biggest component of greenhouse gases. What happens to evaporating water vapor? It rises and forms (wait for it) clouds. Clouds cut off sunlight and reduce the heating of the planet. The last time we heard from the hysterical climate change crowd was the ’70s ice age prognosticators. That was their main thesis, that we were on the verge of an ice age. Google it. The pictures are are fantasy.
May I also point out carbon dioxide is 0.04 percent of the atmosphere. It’s a trace gas, essential for plant growth. It is absorbed by the oceans when too plentiful and released in the eco-balance determined by nature (not man).
Either go back to school and study meteorology or write about something you know about. Oh, nice map. Pretty map. Fantasy map.