Restore Wilderness at Hidden Valley
Bill Palmisano is exactly right in Restore Wilderness to Hidden Valley School Property. Growing food should be on all school campuses, not at some far away place.
Young people of all ages can be encouraged to work in the vegetable/herb garden as part of their school day, at lunch time, after school, or as a class assignment.
Supervision would be needed but much valuable learning will occur — reading, math, science, and immediate useful end to the learning.
The Hidden Valley property could be restored to the natural ecology of the area. This is good for the wildlife corridor needed to keep biodiversity for all communities.
Again, young people of all ages can learn in their school classroom about biodiversity of ecosystems and either take part in the restoration as a class assignment or as a field trip to study habitat diversity.
Thank you, Bill, for showing us a broader, more useful and more varied potential for school curriculum.