When watching the liberal-progressive Democrat members of the Senate Judicial Committee at the Judge Kavanaugh hearing and their latest efforts, it brings to mind Star Chamber Justice, and the School of Sophist Specious Argument. Their actions regarding their senatorial duty of advise and consent has been debased to search and destroy of Judge Kavanaugh’s outstanding legal and personal reputation.
A person in this country is not guilty until proven guilty in accordance to our laws and the rules of evidence. What happened to his right to the presumption of innocence and due process? What happened to his constitutional rights? Senators and your fellow liberal progressives, is your whole charade about your fear that your liberal progressive goals will be jeopardy if Judge Kavanaugh is placed on the Supreme Court? Is he perceived to be an antichrist to your liberal-progressive agenda? What price to your soul and common decency will you pay to debase him to achieve your goals? Have you no shame, tell us, especially Senators Feinstein and Harris?