A Santa Barbara Sheriff’s detective has adopted an abandoned puppy found Wednesday during the eradiation of an illegal marijuana grow in the Cuyama Valley. When detectives found the puppy, which was left with no food or water in 90-degree heat, it was lying on a pile of plastic surrounded by fertilizers and hazardous chemicals. “[He] arrived at the Santa Maria Animal Center lethargic and salivating profusely,” said Center spokesperson Stacy Silva. He’s since recovered and was described as a “bright, playful, happy 3-month-old.”
The identity of the adoptive detective is being withheld due to the nature of his work, but he said he’s pleased to welcome a new member into his family and the Sheriff’s team. “This little guy made quite the impression on every detective and deputy on scene,” he said. “He’s a little fighter and has quite the story to tell. I am excited to give him the home he deserves.”