Our progressive, liberal Democrat-dominated City Council with their all knowing and liberal, progressive socialist-inspired dogma and regulation desires are moving against not only plastic straws, but swizzle sticks. They must really go all out, if they are to be called liberal, progressive environmentalists.
They must ban plastic bottles of every type, as well as all plastic medical containers and instruments, and all plastic bags. To be true to their creed, they must ban all petroleum-based products or be called environmentalist selective hypocrites.
Let us hope, that with their all knowing liberal progressive wisdom and their desire to regulate us, whom they perceive to be non-liberal-progressive educated, and incapable of right thinking, that they can resolve the city’s many problems, such as, the projected fiscal budget deficits for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019; our multimillion-dollar deferred infrastructure problem and the costs related thereto; the public employee pension fund problem, as advised by the Grand Jury; and the lower State Street area declining social and economical problem.
Let’s hope their promotion of marijuana sales brings their touted millions of dollars in sales taxes, and not increase the drug addiction and criminal problems of our citizens, especially our youth. What price stupidity?