Aren’t we fortunate to live right next to the best community college in the nation? Too bad it didn’t earn that title based on the education it gives to its students. After attending SBCC for two years, founding my own club, and establishing relationships with the faculty, students, and leadership, I can conclude SBCC is not a learning institution, but a highly authoritarian indoctrination camp. Ideas are not freely exchanged but given by one side exclusively. Apparently, some ideas are just not acceptable.
The president of the college and the Board of Trustees are constantly being pushed around by the demands of a minority of radical professors. Student who may have great ideas feel ashamed or scared of speaking up if they are not in agreement with their professor. They are in fear of being shamed by their peers and professor, or even having their grade marked down.
My club’s purpose was to bring people with different ideas together. Unfortunately, it was a constant struggle to get left-leaning students to participate because they “didn’t want to talk to people with different opinions.” Faculty were also very unwilling to debate, due to the fact that some issues, such as abortion, are “no longer debatable topics.”
If this culture at SBCC continues, it will eventually turn into a Berkeley campus, with riots at the sight of a speaker who could be remotely understood as offensive. We are not there yet, but if left unchecked, it will happen.