On behalf of the Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee, I’m writing to inform the community about two bills sponsored by Congressmember Salud Carbajal and Senator Dianne Feinstein. The Gun Violence Restraining Order Act (HR 2598) and Gun Violence Prevention Order Act (S 1212) would codify gun violence restraining orders into federal law, allowing law enforcement or family members to petition the court to prevent individuals shown to be a danger to themselves or others from having access to firearms. These restraining orders are based on the existing domestic violence protective order process, ensuring due process and the ability to appeal a court order at any time. Gun violence restraining orders became law in California in 2014 in response to the Isla Vista shooting. Congressmember Carbajal and Senator Feinstein reintroduced this federal legislation in May 2017, on the third anniversary of the shooting.
We would like to encourage the community to support our representatives in pursuing a safer country for all. Please contact them to share your support for common-sense gun control, and also share this message with those outside of Santa Barbara County. These bills are making headway in Congress with bipartisan support, so the more constituents who call and urge their representatives to sign on to HR 2598 and S 1212, the better.
Lives are literally at stake. We urge everyone to step up regarding these bills.
Catherine Swysen is president of the Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee.