
Fri Mar 02, 2018 | 05:28am

As to an automatic weapon capable of multiple shots, loaded with a detachable, high-capacity, multiple-shot magazine, capable of mass killing and mass injury, such as was used in our latest school shooting, that resulted in 17 deaths and 14 injuries, where children were shot multiple times, some beyond recognition, tell us, gun-rights advocates, why we need such a weapon in private hands?

Justify specifically why such a weapon is needed. How much killing power is needed for self-defense, hunting, and sport? How many more innocents have to be killed to stop the private ownership and use of weapons capable of mass killing and injury?

Semiautomatic weapons capable of mass killing and mass injury have to be banned, just like machine guns, hand grenades, bombs, and other military-grade weapons. It’s a citzen’s ultimate right to be safe from being killed or injured through the use of such weapons. The heck with the antiquated 1791 AD Second Amendment.

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