Police are searching for two cash register drawers stolen on Tuesday during an alleged string of robberies. Around 4:30 a.m., an alarm call went out from Dargan’s Irish Pub, and police say they found Brian Christopher Schotz, 43, on his way out of the building, with “a large amount of cash, gloves, and methamphetamine.” Officers investigated and found that about an hour earlier, Oreana Winery and Test Pilot Tiki Bar in the Funk Zone had both been broken into.
The video from Oreana showed a person who resembled Schotz, wearing gloves and carrying a crowbar. At Dargan’s, a crowbar was found in the bushes as well as the pub’s cash register. Schotz was booked into County Jail on burglary charges. If the empty cash drawers are found, notify Detective Thompson at (805) 897-2325.