Dear Editor:
I understand fully your responsibility to review this letter to determine its fitness for publication. In addition, your opening question is a good one: “What is the purpose of this letter?” In other words, what do I intend to say and specifically what do I hope to accomplish?
Before, I answer that question, I must tell you what an honor it is to appear before you and members of your editorial staff to submit my credentials, knowing we share the greatest possible respect for this community and the readers of your newspaper.
As for your question regarding the point of this letter, it is an extremely important question and one that deserves considerable thought and deliberation now and in the future. I believe that my many years writing letters to the editor prepare me well for that task. Furthermore, I look forward to meeting often in the years ahead with you and your staff to discuss our progress working together.
Finally, as I look ahead to your endorsement of this letter, I thank you again for considering me for this important responsibility. Meanwhile, I would be more than happy to answer any other questions.