In February of this year, I applied to become a U.S. citizen, after 46 years of living in this community as a resident alien with a green card. Why? In order to be able to vote for Salud Carbajal.
My first contact with him was related to parking problems on upper Tunnel Road when he was supervisor Naomi Schwartz’s executive assistant. He was responsive to neighborhood concerns and promptly sought solutions. Over the years he has continued to demonstrate the same commitment and unflagging effort to improving the well-being of his constituents. In Mission Canyon he pushed for and acquired funding for a Community Plan that updated a Specific Plan that was 20 years overdue. He was instrumental in establishing Red Flag Days’ parking bans on Tunnel Road, and the closure of the Botanic Garden on such days, as he understood the necessity of these measures for the safety of the residents should a wildland fire occur. These steps were not necessarily popular!
He established monthly meetings with Mission Canyon Association to listen to and address our concerns. From our experience, he is not a candidate who can be bought. He has always been someone who listens to all sides, who considers, reflects, and tries to achieve consensus. When this is not possible, he has shown that he is capable and willing to make tough choices. This is the kind of person that I want to represent us, and that is why I made my choice.