The News-Press endorsed Donald Trump for president along with Justin Fareed for U.S. Congress. It was the first newspaper up until a few weeks ago in the entire country to endorse Trump, and it did so without giving readers any reasons why Trump is more qualified than Clinton. Now, the Las Vegas Review Journal, a major newspaper that is owned by right-wing nutjob Sheldon Adelson, has also endorsed Trump. Wendy McCaw, who owns the News-Press, is also a billionaire loon like Adelson.
The News-Press also endorsed Fareed without stating the reasons why. Fareed has been an ardent supporter of Donald Trump when Trump made racist remarks, criticized veterans, women, and the disabled. Now, Fareed, to save his political arse, is no longer endorsing Trump. How convenient.
Fareed has a one-paragraph résumé — no community service or experience in serving in nonprofit or community boards. No military service. No volunteer experience. He says he will fix this problem and that problem, but he offers no details and say who will pay for it.
However, what this guy will do is sell Santa Barbara in bits and pieces to the highest bidder. He will be the West Coast’s political version of Donald Trump.