Mon Aug 15, 2016 | 12:00pm

Help get the UCSB CERT team to the National CERT Conference 30th Anniversary! This September, the 30th Annual National CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) Conference will be hosted by the emergency response team of Universal Studios, Hollywood. As some of the youngest nationally certified CERT trainers, UCSB’s CERT training team will be presenting on the importance of emergency preparedness in a college community.

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a program created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to train civilians to respond to disaster scenarios. The UCSB CERT team has been involved in the campus and greater Santa Barbara area for almost a decade, and it has helped respond to situations such as the Refugio Oil Spill in 2015, community events such as Deltopia, as well as more serious medical emergencies such as the meningitis outbreak in 2013.

Through this conference, we hope to better our leadership skills through networking with nationally recognized emergency managers and fellow CERT instructors from around the country. Help us raise our goal for travel and conference expenses! Our goal is to raise $1,000 by August 26, 2016. You can donate online at Thank you for helping make the community a little safer!

UCSB CERT holds trainings every quarter. Keep your eye out for a certification course this fall!

Taylor Lockmann, Amanda McKenna, and Karla Jerez are head instructors for UCSB CERT.

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