This November, voters will decide the future of reproductive rights in this country, which is why we not only need a strong champion like Hillary Clinton in the White House, we also need to elect champions up and down the ballot.
The Planned Parenthood Central Coast Action Fund has proudly endorsed Salud Carbajal for Congress. In addition to a 100 percent rating on reproductive rights issues, Carbajal has demonstrated consistent public support for access to sex education, as well as reproductive health services, including access to safe and legal abortion. In 2003 he served on the local Planned Parenthood affiliate’s Board of Directors, and in 2008, he received our Action Fund’s Giraffe Award for “Sticking His Neck Out” with his outspoken support of our campaign for Teen Safety.
For nine terms, Congressmember Lois Capps has proudly represented the Central Coast. When she retires, she’ll leave behind a legacy of protecting access to reproductive health care services that includes ushering in the legislation that expanded access to birth control under the Affordable Care Act. Fortunately, Salud Carbajal is ready to carry on her legacy.
Over the last five months, Congress has taken 18 votes to restrict women’s access to health care. With so much at stake in this election, we need leaders who will advance women’s health policies, not curtail them. There is only one candidate in our local congressional race who will advocate for and protect reproductive health care rights, and that is Salud Carbajal. Please join us in lending him your support.
Barbara Lindemann is chair of Planned Parenthood Central Coast Action Fund, and Susan Christol Deacon is the fund’s vice chair.