Like a comic-book-franchise reboot, S.B.’s Nerf Herder is back with the same lovable tenets they’ve built a career on but with some spiffy new topical references. Rockingham is as cheery, cheeky, and grin-inducing as pop rock gets, and it may entice those who enjoy the catchiness of Weezer (who get name-dropped) but who feel Cuomo & Co. may have had a few too many self-indulgently wasted hooks at this point. Nerf Herder keeps things irreverent, though now its proudly nerdy songs about Comic-Con and Dr. Who (a highlight) aren’t even geeky niche — they’re universal anthems. Replete with a shaking fist at Portland hipsters, it’s a dose of enjoyably nostalgic class clowning in an age of rampant self-importance.
Nerf Herder Releases Cheeky New Record
‘Rockingham’ is a Dose of Nostalgic Class Clowning