Some commissioners of the California Coastal Commission (CCC) are trying to fire Charles Lester as the director of the CCC. This is nothing but a plot by the developers and their paid underlings.
What was Jerry Brown thinking? Fracking, water, AB2, and now this from the no-comment governor. Jerry Brown has now gone full circle and has wound up 360 degrees away from sanity. He is nearing 80 years old, and this is his final run. Why doesn’t he fire all the pro-developer commissioners at once?
The meeting is in Morro Bay, California, February 10-12, 2016. Everyone who cares about the environment should plan on going right now. Book ahead ASAP all hotel and motel rooms to block the fake pro-developer crowd.
Since they want this battle, let’s give them a war instead. They have opened the door to their own defeat and demise. Give ’em hell. Take no prisoners. None. All voting must be in the open.
There must be some way to remove these dark money commissioners.
Lets do it now. Strength in numbers. The Golden State must be defended to the last Get it done.